Dylan Brown 52,445 views.
Grasshopper - Creating a Site Model From Contours - Duration: 29:39. Automatically generate a toposurface based on 3D contour data imported from DWG, DXF, or DGN files.
Daniel Eisinger 78,469 views. Here it goes: Basically me and my friend are trying to create a solid 3D model of a terrain so we can cut it in foam on a CNC machine (Ouplan 2015). I just recently did a topography map in Rhino using Contour lines from .. I have a set of Contour lines with their height already in Rhino. As in you can just view the contour lines in 3D. Hello friends. For a University project. I use Autocad and he uses Rhino, he’s not a pro thou.
from these contour lines. In this Sketchup and Rhino tutorial, you’ll learn how to model a 3D site in less than 60 seconds. Or hower over the component. 4 years ago. The contour map was in DWG format, but all the lines had their Z value correct. I hope I am posting in the right section and not asking for too much. The most simple way is to extract the points from the contour lines and use the patch tool to make the surface. 5:05. In GH you can plug the curves into a panel.
Revit analyzes the data and places a series of elevation points along the contour lines. 29:39.
THE MOST UNDERRATED SITE MODELLING TOOL EVER. In the CAD file to import, each contour line must be positioned at the correct "Z" value. I dont actually know where they were from. 17:47.
When i do the same my contours get divided across a grid like structure, which i think messes up the following commands.Edit: if u need a file just comment (i need to repack my file bc its too big)The contours have to be divided into really short segments.In case your contours are curves and not polylines, you can try to use divide length.and this is how it gets divided with the explode commandur tip with the divide lines helped me, although not all contours are in my model, e.g the lowest “circles” are not included in the surfacemy only chance on getting the model more high res and true to contour lines i have to amp up the U & V number?Yes, but first of all you need to make sure all your curves are loaded.Select all curves in Rhino, look at the command line how many and what sort of curves you selected. The computation of a Digital terrain Model (DTM) can be performed on clouds of tens of millions of points from Laser formats : Leica Cyclone (.pts), Topcon (.cl3)All the features of this powerful terrain modeler are accessible to users of Optimal use of multicore processors and double precision calculationsPoint cloud processing and optimization, editing and analysis of DTMsManipulation of ECW tiles and orthophotography drapingWe are proud to count among our users of many schools and universities :Our "Education" and 'Laboratory" licenses faciltate access to our software for students, teachers and educational instutions.Students, professors and educational institutions must provide proof of their status.french alps, pointcloud colorized by orthophotos drapingBy continuing to browse this site, you agree that cookies are used for analysis, relevance and advertising purposes. Hello Guys hope somebody can help me. Daniel Christev 67,513 views. For him the Surface is perfectly aligned to to contour lines whereas my surface is just a series of large triangles with some height information to them, making the surface look patchy and wrong.I believe my mistake lies in the first commands, his “explode” divides his contour lines into a´lot of individual points. This is my first post, and in need of some help. now i watched this video https://www.youtub… Based on a completely new, robust and reliable constrained triangulation algorithm, Rhino Terrain ™ is able to process very large data volumes. This will show you what’s in the crv component.
Rhino 5: Working with Contours & Topography Tutorial - Duration: 17:47. The computation of a Digital terrain Model (DTM) can be performed on clouds of tens of millions of points from terrestrial scanners or LIDAR aerial lasers surveys and include an unlimited number of break lines. Create 3D models of terrain, contours and topography using accurate data from Google Earth using Sketchup and Rhino. Meshes can be much coarser in their accuracy than nurbs geometry and this will lead to all sorts of rounding errors when the meshes are either very big, very small, or very far away from the origin.
Now i want to create a Surface (not a mesh!) The urban planners in my company brought it for us (the architects) to work on. Running the [Contour] component on this mesh in Rhino WIP gives a result, although I would recommend moving your geometry closer to the world origin point (0,0,0). When importing contour data, follow these requirements: The imported CAD file must contain 3D information. Rhino Tutorial: Distorting a Surface Using CageEdit - Duration: 5:05.
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