wake . Example sentences with the word awake. An African legend suggests that coffee was discovered after an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that his sheep stayed awake all night after eating coffee cherries. 247+25 sentence examples: 1. 13. : I stayed awake in the dark, my eyes on the shadows, alone and lonely all night.
Daniel was indeed awake, carrying the lit lantern and already halfway to the door when she burst in. up example sentences. The Past Tense Forms of awake and awaken Synonym Discussion of awake. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 323761 I'm awake. Example sentences with the word up. 3. The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. : He was fully awake and all relaxant effects were reversed before a pulmonary fellow extubated him the next day. He lies awake at night worrying about his job. How to use awake in a sentence. while she is drowsy but still Place a flashlight under your chin, then lean over the sleeper, shake him or her "Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God - for tomorrow China will Needless to say, after all of this, the typical sleeper is wide It is also a fun gift for adults as cheeky or rude messages might bring a smile to the face of someone as they Lucky people who just need the quick sound of an alarm to bounce out of bed, fully This is actually a common relaxation technique recommended by doctors for patients with sleep issues, as it quiets "brain chatter" and keeps the stress over being It is important that the individual with a potential head injury stay So long as you're not looking for something specific, just pajamas that spell a bit of danger in the way of skulls or another image that might normally keep you This collection is formulated to wake up the skin and leave you looking Wiping her hands on her pants, she gripped her rifle and tried to stay In addition to these group games, it is wise to provide several board games for slumber parties so guests who stay She sat up straight, thinking that position would be uncomfortable enough to keep her Exhaustion from the ordeal was taking its toll on Carmen as well, but she tried to stay A sliver of light under Cade's door suggested he was already Howie showed no signs of the anxiety he displayed on round one but his eagerness kept him His instincts reacted to the threat before he was fully The connection she'd experimented with when he slept grew intimate when he was Since her dream, she'd heard him even when she was She was dozing by the time he finished and nudged her She turned around, amazed by the fact that he had spoken while he was Even after Dean's rhythmic breathing told her he was sleeping she remained If an incident occurred, why was no one else in the government service housing community Death was waiting for Gabriel when he dozed off. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.26. The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being
Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me 30. CK 1 2247458 I was awake. He lay awake for hours thinking about her. Sometimes my husband snores so loudly, it keeps me 22. Total 247, 30 Per page
Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: I know you're still awake.
The Word "Awake" in Example Sentences Page 2. Example Sentences for "awake "She lay awake for a long time, thinking of her future. Many of the sentences have audio, too. A a. I don't stay awake at night worrying about that. How to use awake in a sentence. CK 1 323712 I awoke to find myself lying on the floor. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Awake" in Example Sentences Page 1. 2314930 I didn't know anyone else was awake. He'd planned on staying Katie had barely closed her eyes when Gabriel shook her Struggling against the demands of his roaring blood, Rhyn closed his eyes, sought his magic and willed himself Wednesday morning dawned with air so crisp Dean was She sat on the edge of the bed and had been ill again, but was So, back in the car Dean climbed, with an insistent Fred O'Connor beside him, ready to kick him Bare feet padded across the hardwood floor behind her, announcing that Alex was He was one of those people who came instantly wide She'd pulled on her boots and snatched her backpack before she was half The shock of the shake accompanying the shout flung her deadened senses Within moments after finishing the drink, he grew too drowsy to stay The creature on the ground was breathing hard but alive and And he who would understand what he remembers to have been said, whether in a dream or when he was Essays and Reviews (1860) was a vehement announcement of scientific results - startling English conservatism It was at this time that he wrote, primarily for the same body as his prayers, his morning, evening and midnight hymns, the first two of which, beginning "Even when asleep and snoring, gorillas are difficult to approach, since they But his intercourse with spirits was often perfectly calm, in broad daylight, and with all his faculties The policy of Athens was mistaken for two reasons: (I) Sparta was not entirely humiliated, and (2) alliance with the land powers of Peloponnese was incalculably dangerous, inasmuch as it involved Athens in enterprises which could not People who cannot scry may have these hypnagogic illusions, and, so far, may partly understand the experience of the scryer who is wide It was confidently believed towards the close of the 10th century that he had made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; and, like many other great rulers, it was reported that he was only sleeping to If such a one says ` I am an Athravan ' he lies, call him not Athravan, noble Zarathustra, said Ahura Mazda, but thou shouldst call him priest, noble Zarathustra, who sits And, again, if this transaction settled the investiture question, it did not solve the problem of the reconciliation of the universal power of the popes with the claims of the emperors to the government of Europe; and the conflict subsisted - slumbering, it is true, but ever ready to The warders at an asylum have been hypnotized to sleep by the bedside of dangerous patients, and "suggested" to Let a man maintain this mindfulness all the while he is At the beginning of the Mahommedan period, then, we meet with the most influential and the most curious .of these prophetic books, the Pseudo-Methodius, 1 which prophesied of the emperor who would p. 1121 &c.), tells of the downfall of the house of the Comneni and :sings of the emperor of the future who would one day While tending his father's sheep, he is said to have fallen into a deep sleep in the Dictaean cave near Cnossus where he lived, from which he did not r3); in modern times the curative Virgin's Spring or St Mary's Well has its dragon which, when "I go," said Cyriac of Ancona, the indefatigable though uncritical explorer of antiquities, "I go to He now, it is said, applied for help to Dr Israel Tonge, rector of St Michael's in Wood Street, an honest half-crazy man, who even then was exciting people's minds by giving out quarterly "treatises in print to alarm and In spite of the discontent of the Liberals, the Conservative ascendancy secured a long period of firm stable government, which was essential to put an end to the confusion in public life and to give time for the people to The first European scholar to direct attention to the Avesta was Hyde of Oxford, in his Historia Religionis Veterum Persarum eoramque Magorum (1700), which, however, failed to On the 30th of September 1693 Millington wrote to Pepys that he had been to look for Newton some time before, but that " he was out of town, and since," he says, " I have not seen him, till upon the 28th I met him at Huntingdon, where, upon his own accord, and before I had time to ask him any question, he told me that he had writt to you a very odd letter, at which he was much concerned; added, that it was in a distemper that much seized his head, and that kept him By 1808 the opponents of slavery, found chiefly among the Quaker settlers in the south-eastern counties, began to The increasing warmth of each recurring spring finds the bee A legend, afterwards transferred to Frederick Barbarossa, told how he sat in a cavern in the Kyffhausser before a stone table through which his beard had grown, waiting for the time for him to Twice he crept into Sigurd's chamber, but fled when he found the hero Carmen was so groggy that the icy wind failed to keep her How we controlled ourselves sufficiently as not to gasp and startle Howie Frantic confusion followed through part of which I was To be reminded first by a woman who should be dead and again by a Healer of some sort … He shook out his shoulders and nudged his XO Still, it must have been a big relief for her to know that he had been For the next week, Alex continued to wake up more frequently and stay She didn't think it was possible to sleep in such discomfort, but a stiff, hot breeze tossed hair into her face awhile later, tickling her The sound stopped in a minute or so but a three AM recurrence woke them enough to hold a brief conversation on the source of the nocturnal noise, a conversation repeated at four AM, by which time the couple were fully Delightful wooded site with falling acorns to ensure we stayed This book is essential reading for photographers and artists looking for ways to stay creatively Added to The Coffee Grounds on 10:27, 07 Nov 2002 I was barely Two nights before, I dreamt of being confronted by a fierce, very Roschke, Mann (1997) No short-term effects of digital mobile radio telephone on the The protein in the chicken helps the brain to produce neurotransmitters which help people stay persuasion known to the world as " Plymouth Brethren " CHARLES STANLEY WRITINGS Neither these latter methods nor the willpower to stay telecommutere the telecommuting issues that are keeping managers Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble sleeping or trouble staying Some of our supposed parliamentary watchdogs will need to be much more That Revelation has retained its place in the canon is due not to its extravagant claims to inspiration or its apocalyptical disclosures, but to its splendid faith and unconquerable hope, that have never failed to The demonstrable rational necessity, instead of being innate, or conscious from our birth, may lie latent or subconscious in the individual mind; but for all that, when we gradually become more So the boy went willingly upon the errand, and by the time he had returned Dorothy was The poor child was so tired after his night's work that he could not keep And indeed he only had to lie down, to fall asleep like a stone, and he only had to shake himself, to be ready without a moment's delay for some work, just as children are ready to play directly they So what are the telecommuting issues that are keeping managers Some of us may feel anxious, depressed or fearful, we may have dietary problems, trouble sleeping or trouble staying Some of our supposed parliamentary watchdogs will need to be much more I drank two cups of coffee to give me the boost I needed to stay Beginning around two months of age, a newborn baby will be able to stay Your baby may choose to sleep mostly during daytime hours, remaining Some experts recommend taking measures to keep an infant Keep in mind that it may take several tries of placing your baby in his crib while he is still Your baby will probably begin to straighten out her days from her nights, staying The swinging speeds range from very slow and soothing to a faster pace that is suitable for entertaining baby when he or she is fully The seat reclines all the way back to make sleeping on the road a comfortable experience while also being able to get into enough of an upright position that your child will be able to look around when he or she is fully Keep her in well-lit, active areas of the house when you want her to remain All babies need their sleep, and newborns in particular sleep more than they are When stuck in a tree, a cat will often howl into the night and keep neighbors and owners Instead of charging your phone overnight, do so when you are still The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.
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