Kamala Harris is on the final leg of her five-day river-to-river bus tour across Iowa promoting her "3AM Agenda" to Iowans. So come on down this weekend to rub elbows and trade side-eyes with all the rest of Frisco’s Democratic uber-geeks.
The San Francisco Democratic Party represents voters who want to see fundamental change in our political system. Endorsements for parties Newspapers and magazines National daily newspapers. The party chair they elect impacts fundraising, and the chair wields an enormous budget and political power. The differences are in their approach.Chesa Boudin, an attorney for the public defender's office, is the candidate furthest to the left. I know that Dede Wilsey has donated money to many powerful San Francisco politicians over the years. To participate in the ADEM you must be a registered Democrat in that Assembly district. Endorsements for November 2020 San Francisco Supervisor, District 1 Connie Chan San Francisco Supervisor, District 3 Aaron Peskin San Francisco Supervisor, District 5 Dean Preston San Francisco Supervisor, District 7 #1 Vilaska Nguyen #2 Myrna Melgar San Francisco Supervisor, District 9 Hillary Ronen San Francisco Supervisor, District 11 John Avalos Plus: Who will stand up to Dede Wilsey and her support for Trump?The San Francisco Democratic Party will decide Wednesday night who to endorse in the fall elections – and there’s a schism in what was seen in the past as a progressive reform slate that took control of the party in 2016.Mayor London Breed is pushing hard to make sure the party doesn’t endorse tenant lawyer Dean Preston for supervisor in D5 – and there’s a chance that her appointed incumbent, Vallie Brown, could get the nod.He replaced Mary Jung, who worked for the real-estate industry.Now, some say, after all of that, the progressive majority is collapsing, and some of the people elected on that pro-tenant slate may vote against Preston.DCCC Vice-Chair Petra Dejesus, who supports Preston, told me: “The Tenants Union was behind us 100 percent, and the tenants in San Francisco helped our slate get elected. Read more about this race See the Chronicle’s endorsement. You have to vote in in person at specific polling places based on the district. But unlike the DCCC elections that are run by the independent Department of Elections and appear on your City ballot, ADEMs are weird and run by Democratic Party. Your Party. The Chronicle’s SF Voter Guide. Paul Ybarra Robertson is mayoral candidate but listed no contact information or other personal details, according to paperwork filed with the city’s Department of Elections.Robert Jordan, a street minister, describes himself as “a hard worker with no ego. To verify your Assembly District, use this . 2019 general election; Endorsements; Various newspapers, organisations and individuals endorsed parties or individual candidates for the 2019 United Kingdom general election. (Past endorsements: November, 2019) Candidates.
Here’s where you can geek out on their past votes on endorsements. You can find the current endorsements made by the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley here. If San Francisco cannot stand up to Trump then who will?WHEREAS Donald Trump is a White Supremacist whose Administration has pursued racist policies that target women, people of color, immigrants, members of the LGBTQ Community, and anyone who is deemed to be different; such policies and actions have included, among ther things, putting innocent immigrant children in cages at the border, the systemic separation and deportation of immigrant families, depriving Transgender men and women of basic legal protections, targeting and discriminating against Muslims, and fanning the flames of racism and hatred to the point of inspiring some of his supporters to commit mass shootings against members of the Latino Community; andWHEREAS the biggest political supporter of Donald Trump and his White Supremacist policies in San Francisco is Dede Wilsey, a registered Republican who is actively promoting Trump’s presidency and re-election, including holding a fundraising for Trump in San Francisco; in exchange of which fundraising, Trump appointed Wilsey’s son as his Ambassador to Hitler’s native Austria; andWHEREAS notwithstanding the fact that Dede Wilsey is openly and proactively promoting Trump’s racist and White Supremacist policies, Shanti Project and its Board of Directors have decided to honor Dede Wilsey with a Lifetime Achievement Award at its upcoming Annual Gala; which award goes against the purported values and principles of Shanti as an organization which claims to have a mission of enhancing the health, quality of life, and well-being of people; and which award goes against the theme of its Gala, “Compassion is Universal”THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee hereby calls upon Shanti and its Board of Directors to rescind the Lifetime Achievement Award that it is presenting to Trump supporter Dede Wilsey; andTHEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that should Shanti and its Board of Directors proceed to honor Trump supporter Dede Wilsey with a Lifetime Achievement Award at its Annual Gala, the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee hereby calls upon all San Francisco Democrats who oppose Trump and his White Supremacist policies to boycott said Annual Gala.Interesting to see if any of the DCCC members will side with Wilsey.48hills.org is the official publication of the non-profit San Francisco Progressive Media Center.Tim Redmond has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years.
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