Nobody has addressed the thing about animals. Every street person who laughs as they accept hand outs keeps one family or person eager for help waiting. They are not just stealing bikes, generators, spare items from cars and breaking into houses to squat when people are on vacation. What's a low-barrier shelter?SIBERT: What low-barrier means is that people can come in, even if they're inebriated or using substances or have a mental illness or anything like that. It's good public health.We have housing counselors in the shelters so that you're talking to people about a goal. But you learn how to adapt. And one of our low-threshold housing programs actually has formerly homeless people who come from the street, the majority with significant mental illness. She says: I never hear this reality being discussed when there's conversation about ending homelessness. This is John(ph) in Grand Junction, Colorado. If you've ever been homeless and reluctant to go to a shelter, tell us your story. Executive Dow Constantine brags about all he does to attract street people. Jim, welcome to the program.SHAPIRO: What does a typical conversation with somebody on the street on a cold winter night sound like?GREENE: Well, hopefully, if we've done our job well, it sounds like a continuation of a conversation that you've been having in the weeks and months before the cold weather event. Certain neighborhoods, especially those in neighborhoods near universities, such as Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, California, The Ave in Seattle, Washington, or the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, … Sometimes taking people down to see a place can make a big difference. What we're doing is we're (technical difficulties) people who are very often ill-adapted to defending themselves.SHAPIRO: And our guest is Jim Greene, director of the Boston Emergency Shelter Commission. These things are a lot more expensive than people think. And so they're admitted in, as long as they're not of harm to themselves or to others.SHAPIRO: I mean, are many shelters in the United States low-barrier, or is this still sort of maybe there's one in each major city?SIBERT: I think that generally most shelters have some kind of barrier. But you're saying, no, it's really vital for survival on the streets.ELBE: You bet you. Once confined they will find it harder to steal, rape and murder innocent people.
Hi, John, tell us your story.JOHN: Hi, my name is John, as I said, and I was a shelter director for years. So we try to discourage people from camping out and living in tents because there aren't sanitary facilities, et cetera.But I think that we have found that some people - and this is certainly true among veterans - that sometimes people who don't want to go into a shelter, whether it's that they can't - they feel cabin fever and closed in, or they don't want to be dependent upon a place like a shelter. But yeah, I think that's - you know, in the larger metropolitan areas, it's overwhelming, the demand is so overwhelming.SHAPIRO: So given that there is this long list of things that you would like to be able to fix about a shelter, what's at the top of the list?JOHN: The top of the list for me would be to take the shelters, close them down and build or purchase small, single rooms.
All rights reserved. And so by the time they end up in the ER, they have full-blown pneumonia.SHAPIRO: And I'm sure that if somebody shows up at the shelter with bronchitis, then suddenly you have a bronchitis outbreak in the shelter, which might be another reason people don't want to come.SIBERT: But remember that when someone comes in and they're ill, what we do is we have them assessed.
On a winter night you can hardly sleep because the hacking is so heavy.
I've been sober for a few years now, but at that time I just, I wasn't able to do what they wanted me to do and to come in at that time.SHAPIRO: And Kathy, how common is it for shelters to address these more fundamental problems that she's talking about: the substance abuse, the mental illness?SIBERT: That, Ari, is really - and I know Jim will agree with me on this, too - is that really shelters are really for people in crisis.
You learn how to, you know, stuff newspapers in your clothing to keep warm.
You had to leave whether it was rain or shine.
This is Michael(ph). Just like they somehow cobbled together the resources to come here from Arizona. Sponsored articles Street people, Transient, Bums -> Those living on the street; Neighbors living on the street; Individuals living on the street. Welcome to the program.SHAPIRO: Tell us your story.
Homelessness is a big problem across the country. Jenny Durkan’s operating system of a brain has no program to deal with this other than following the current coding patch that has her mouthing the words “data, data, data” and “solutions, solutions, solutions” at every moment. We have substance abuse counselors.We also provide nursing services so that we have a nurse practitioner there four nights a week, which is really nice because so many of the people living on the street have really serious medical issues. Jim, how common is it for shelters to come with rules, whether it's you have to be alcohol-free, or you have to subscribe to a particular religious philosophy, or you have to have a family or be seeking a job? But we were saying before the show began that heat is also a problem. If you want to solve the homeless crisis remove the street people by removing the gaggle of enablers from gorging themselves on our tax dollars.Want to solve homelessness? These factors, several of which affect men more than women, would figure to lead to more men being homeless. They are crowded.
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