And the movie names names: It's set in Nicaragua, in 1979, during the fall of the Somoza regime, period.We meet three journalists who are there to get the story. This is the kind of movie that almost always feels phony, but "Under Fire" feels real. It could almost have been written by The actors in "Under Fire" never step wrong. Price et ses collègues Claire et Alex, suite à de malencontreux événements, doivent se cacher de l'armée... camps in Laos. Harris says, `I guess they'd really be p***ed if they knew.' Harris hasn't realized that after the confusion of the battle he climbed in a truck of soldiers from the opposite side.
Persons who are interested in the subject matter might do well to compare this Stone effort with the much earlier Under Fire (1983), a film which boasts superlative performances by Nick Nolte and Gene Hackman. Joanna Cassidy takes a role that could have been dismissed as "the girl" and fills it out as a fascinating, textured adult. in Vietnam, U.S. Marine retired Colonel Jason Rhodes assembles a private rescue team to find Americans held in P.O.W. Three journalists (Nick Nolte, Gene Hackman, Joanna Cassidy) find themselves caught up in the 1979 Nicaraguan Revolution and in a very adult romantic triangle, intelligently crafted by screenwriters Clayton Frohman and Ron Shelton. Another Journaliste / Journalisme / Reporter Overview. It's the best movie of its genre. The musical score by Jerry Goldsmith, which featured well-known jazz guitarist Pat Metheny, was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Score. The story is simply told, since "Under Fire" depends more upon moments and atmosphere than on a manufactured plot. Personnalités politiques / Politique / Politicien
But "Under Fire" shows us a war in which morality is hard to define and harder to practice. "Under Fire" surrounds these performances with a vivid sense of place and becomes, somewhat surprisingly, one of the year's best films.Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. But affairs in Nicaragua make his neutrality seem immoral and he is forced to choose between his journalistic ethics and his humanitarian ones.Looking for some great streaming picks? Play Trailer; This wasn't their war but it was their story... and they wouldn't let it go! In the opening scene in some unspecified African civil war Nick Nolte, war journalist, discovers Ed Harris, mercenary, riding in the wrong truck surrounded by his enemies. Three journalists in a romantic triangle are involved in political intrigue during the last days of the corrupt Somozoa regime in Nicaragua before it falls to a popular revolution in 1979.
"Under Fire" surrounds these performances with a vivid sense of place and becomes, somewhat surprisingly, one of the year's best films.Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Kaya Toft Loholt, Mikkel Boe Folsgaard This is the kind of movie that almost always feels phony, but "Under Fire" feels real. He commits the journalistic sin of taking sides, and it leads him, eventually, to a much greater sin: faking a photograph to help the guerrilla forces.That is, of course, wrong. 5 nominations Under Fire is a 1983 American political thriller film set during the last days of the Nicaraguan Revolution that ended the Somoza regime in 1979.
This is not the first small war they've covered, and indeed we've already seen them packing up and leaving Africa. de A middle-aged steelworker is content with his job and his family, but feels that something is missing in his life. Experienced Green Beret sergeant Johnny Gallagher is escorting a prisoner, Airborne Ranger Thomas Boyette, back to the US, but Boyette escapes and Gallagher must risk life and limb to catch him. Appareil photo / Photographe / Photographie Malou Leth Reymann avec
Was this review helpful to you? Ex. 3,37 (123) 123 stemmen . Under Fire is a 1983 American political thriller film set during the last days of the Nicaraguan Revolution that ended the Somoza regime in 1979.
One of the key supporting characters in the movie is a mysterious American named Oates (played by There are, in fact, a lot of ethical stands not taken in this movie. Verenigde Staten Drama / Oorlog 128 minuten geregisseerd door Roger Spottiswoode met Nick Nolte, Gene Hackman en Joanna Cassidy Nicaragua 1979: fotograaf Russel Price maakt een verslag van de burgeroorlog tegen president Somoza. This movie really hits the mark in many ways. When a boxer is killed because he wouldn't take a dive, his brother tries to find a way to avenge him even if only symbolically. This is not the first small war they've covered, and indeed we've already seen them packing up and leaving Africa. Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Under Fire est un film américain réalisé par Roger Spottiswoode , sorti en 1983 .
It's about American journalists covering guerrilla warfare in Central America, and so right away we expect to see Hollywood stars transplanted to the phony jungles of one of those movie nations with made up names.
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