Holders of the office shall reside in the district in which their duties are to be performed or within a reasonable distance thereof.The successful applicants will be required in respect of their superannuation to contribute to the local authority at the rate of 1.5% of their pensionable remuneration plus 3.5% of net pensionable remuneration (i.e. Recruitment. Granting of annual leave, payment for annual leave and arrangement for public holidays will be governed by the provisions of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997.The terms of the Public Service Sick Pay Scheme will prevail.Westmeath County Council reserves the right to assign you to any department, premises or district in use by the Council, now or in the future. Find a job to suit your skillset and advance your career working at Westmeath County Council. jobs in County Westmeath. Typical services include roads and transportation, maintenance of social housing units and estates, water services (under a Service Level Agreement with Irish Water), environmental and drainage works, upkeep of recreation and amenity facilities etc. (044) 9332298 or email © Westmeath County Council | Tel: +353 (0)44 9332000 | The Human Resources Department is responsible for Staff Recruitment, Staff Training & Development, Superannuation, Industrial Relations and a Staff Support Service. The cost of postage must be borne by the applicant. Stay in Touch. The Senior Engineer or any such person designated may assign any other duties as he/she sees fit at his/her absolute discretion.The typical duties which a General Operative carry out would include, but not be limited to the following:-Operating a handcart; Street sweeping using brush; emptying rubbish / litter bins; tidy up of illegal dumping.Strimming and cutting grass; Sowing and planting plants, shrubs; landscaping activities; moving and digging topsoil; plant watering; operating chainsaws and such other machinery (subject to training); Gravedigging.€539.14 - €551.99 - €590.91 - €594.09 - €597.14 - €598.88 - €600.64 - € 602.36 - €604.08 - €605.89 - €607.69 - €609.60 - €611.47 - €613.40 - €615.24 On appointment, the employee will be placed on the minimum point and shall progress along the scale by annual increments subject to satisfactory performance.Wages are calculated and paid on a fortnightly basis in arrears.Normal hours of work will be 39 hours per week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Thursday and from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, with a half-hour for lunch.
Festival and Events Grant Scheme 2020 Round 2 application form Westmeath County Council has been charged with administering the COVID-19 Restart Grant on behalf of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI). Important information regarding cookies and Jobs.ie. Canvassing in any competition will disqualifyAll of our publicly advertised jobs are advertised on this site and in the local and national printed media.Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for inclusion on a panel from which offers of employment may be made for the following posts:Details of the application form and qualifications for the position are on the weblinks below :-Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for the Graduate Planner position is: © Westmeath County Council | Tel: +353 (0)44 9332000 | The Human Resources Department is responsible for Staff Recruitment, Staff Training & Development, Superannuation, Industrial Relations and a Staff Support Service.Salary Scale €24,120 to €39,793 per annum (incl. Sort by: relevance - date. Search Search. How to make, search and track planning applications, plus advice, guidance and more. Westmeath County Council services and information. Vacancies will be offered in order of merit as per the panel. Changes in location of employment will not result in payment of disturbance money or other compensation. General Operatives are frontline service employees who are involved in the delivery of a wide range of key local authority services in the heart of communities. Planning. Canvassing in any competition will disqualifyAll of our publicly advertised jobs are advertised on this site and in the local and national printed media.Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for inclusion on a panel from which offers of employment may be made for the following posts below:Applicants may be short-listed based on qualifications, relevant experience, and information submitted in their application.Salary Scale €44,849 - €55,031 per annum (incl.
Page 1 of 357 jobs.
Offices will be open Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm. Welcome to Westmeath County Council's online consultation portal . You can view a planning applications online using the online planning portal. Search and apply for jobs in Westmeath through Ireland's leading job site jobs.ie. jobs.ie Menu. The registration process is a one-time process and your account can be used for all of the Council's online public consultations.
general Operative The Role General Operatives are frontline service employees who are involved in the delivery of a wide range of key local authority services in the heart of communities.
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