-strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's countryan area in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investmentthe belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize/share western civilization to inferior people of the world-the development of industries for the machine production of goods-the belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle-meeting at which Europeans (14 nations) agreed on rules for colonizing Africa-British and other colonial procedures through which "natives" were used to carry out colonial rule-a system of government in which a province is controlled by a central government-the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another-natural resources found in colonies were incentive (indigo, minerals)-missionary motive: spread Christianity, helped increase interest of new land-before European domination: hundreds of ethnic/lingual groups, thousands of languages-only African nation that successfully resisted Europeans-steadily lost power due to weak sultans, corruption, inflationan interest in or taking of land for strategic location or products-rumor that bullets were greased w/ pork/beef fat, against religions-after shogun stepped down, Mutsuhito became emperor, like Enlightenment in Europe-after defeating Russia, Japan attacks Korea, turns Korea into a protectorate, Japan sends advisors in who took power from Korean gov.-US interest began when Hawaii was a port on way to China, sugar plantations very profitable-Americans believed they should imperialize to fulfill its destiny as a world powerindustrialization stirred ambitions in European nations, wanted more resourced to fuel their industrial production and new marketswhat were conditions like before nations/territories were imperialized?weren't industrialized and as strong as European countrieswhat were the consequences (effects) of imperialism? With its economy drained, its military might a thing of the past, and its No longer focused strictly on securing new trading opportunities, modern imperialism involves the expansion of corporate presence and the spreading of the dominant nation’s political ideology in a process sometimes pejoratively called “nation-building” or, specifically in the case of the United States, “Americanization.”Aside from the United States, other prosperous nations have employed modern—and occasionally traditional—imperialism in hopes of expanding their influence. Built and owned by the US for almost a century. Due largely to its mighty navy’s dominance of the seas, Britain also readily accepted its role as keeper of world peace, later described as Pax Britannica or “British Peace.” While the European empires established footholds on the coasts of Africa and China following the first wave of imperialism, their influence over local leaders was limited.
who was unsuccessful in resisting imperialism and why?examples of conflict between imperial powers and native populationswhen and why did colonies start to fight for their independence? Terms in this set (13) Imperialism.
What are four types of imperialism?
By 1914, an increasing number of conflicts between competing nations would erupt into World War I. 1) the adoption of a conqueror's culture by a conquered people 2) a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs Click again to see term … Imperialism, state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Throughout most of the 1800s, the U.S. government worried that Hawaii, a key mid-Pacific whaling and trade port—fertile ground for American protestant missions, and most of all, a rich new source of sugar from sugar cane production—would fall under European rule. What is imperialism? Spell. The term is frequently employed in international propaganda to denounce and discredit an opponent’s foreign policy. What were some other motives of imperialism? Subsequently, in 1900, Congress passed the Foraker Act, making Puerto Rico a United States territory.Role in Philippine American War: McKinley's role was to acquire islands.Views on Imperialism: Mahan thought imperialism was necessary for the USA;colonies would provide geostrategic military bases to protect US overseas trade,so US needed to go out and get some. Learn. By the 1940s, former World War I participants Germany and Japan, regaining their imperialistic power, sought to create empires across Europe and Asia, respectively.
The early British Empire established one of its most profitable colonies in North America. As European countries established empires in Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, they marked their presence in a number of ways. While related to the concepts of colonialism and empire, imperialism is a distinct concept that can apply to other forms of expansion and many forms of government..
Advantages of this will be the nation growing, exchange of technology and intellect etc. Mario_Miranda. STUDY. Imperialism A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. what did it led to?british held all power and cash crops = no food for farmersmad a road network and sanitation and public health improved Driven by their desires to expand their nations’ spheres of world influence, Hitler of Germany and Emperor Hirohito of Japan would join forces to launch The tremendous human and economic costs of World War II greatly weakened the old empire-building nations, effectively ending the age of classic, trade-driven imperialism.
Despite suffering a setback in the loss of its American colonies in 1776, Britain more than recovered by gaining territory in India, Australia, and Latin America.By the end of the age of Old Imperialism in the 1840s, Great Britain had become the dominant colonial power with territorial holdings in India, South Africa, and Australia.
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