Etappe: Black Forest Trailrun Samstag, 3. Will be a nice run regardless. The Black Forest Trail gets its name from the dense hemlocks that once grew here, keeping the forest floor in an everlasting darkness.
I will start at the northern 44 road crossing and go in the clockwise direction as I did last time.4 inches of snow on the trail made it a no-go. The Black Forest Trails Association is a local community non-profit organization with the following goal: To create a safe, legitimate, non-motorized, multi-use recreational trail system that connects Black Forest neighborhoods to each other and the El Paso County Regional Trail System.
However, the vistas make it worth the effort.The highest point on the trail is 2,145 feet which is reached twice: once on Chestnut Ridge and second at the top of Callahan Run. The official start of the trail is a short distance from the village of Slate Run (off of This is a brief description starting counter-clockwise from the main trailhead at Slate Run. The Black Forest Trail is a 42-mile (68 km) loop trail in Pennsylvania's Tiadaghton State Forest in parts of Lycoming, Potter, and Clinton Counties.
From the trailhead walkers take a short route through a pine plantation. My intention is to do it unsupported, but a friend might meet me for the last 5 to 10 miles and if he does, I'll announce it as a "supported."
On this backpacking trail you will find the views breath taking, numerous camping sites, plenty of water, and beautiful woods full of wildlife.I'm going to attempt this FKT this Saturday (10-13-18). Stell Dich der Herausforderung auf den Schwarzwald-Trails. Black Forest Trail Running mit Sitz in Freiburg im Breisgau hat Strecken aller Couleur im Angebot: von lang und sanft bis kurz und knackig, von breiten Forstwirtschaftswegen bis hin zu engen und verwinkelten Singletrails. Starting at the trailhead and hiking in a clockwise fashion, there are 8 ascents of over 500 feet, with the longest ascent being the initial climb away from Slate Run. The trail once again follows the plateau to the west, with level hiking for the next several miles. The Black Forest Trail gets its name from the dense hemlocks that once grew here, keeping the forest floor in an everlasting darkness. I will be attempting an unsupported FKT this Sunday, 10-28-18. The Black Forest Trail is a loop of a little over 43 miles with the trailhead proper being just north of Slate Run, PA. Dort werden wir über Stock und Stein fliegen, auf anderen Passagen wiederum über weichen Waldboden gleiten. This section is generally level.
Walkers then climb about 1,000 feet (300 m) in a mile and a half. For the next 6 miles (9.7 km) the trail follows the plateau with views to the west. Beide Etappen können auch als Tageswertung einzeln gelaufen werden.Neu in 2020: Der Etappenlauf wurde von der ITRA mit 4 Punkten ausgezeichnet – 2 Etappen – 92K – 4.250 HM 1. The main trailhead is just off of route 414 in Slate Run. With deeply carved valleys, thick woodlands, luscious meadows, stout timber farmhouses and wispy waterfalls, it looks freshly minted for a kids' bedtime story. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from April until October.
The steepest section of the trail is the descent from Hemlock Mountain to Naval Run. The Sentiero Di Shay ski trail cross the BFT twice in this section and can be used to make alternative loops. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. please PA, no snow or sleet!
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