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5 0 obj <> endobj stream 4 0 obj endstream Lobbying in 2019: $4,400,000. Contributions in the 2020 cycle: $1,316,706. Both archives go back to 2004. x��Y�r�6�kFd�B ����N�����!遖��!�j&}� <> r� ��8y��(�r^������qT�e,9��v�Ma���{��p����4���4�a��;� V��8��}��')7~�t�P.�~ai��=/�划"�C�n endobj Filters Filter Clear all. endobj endobj endobj <> %PDF-1.5 Reporting type Company. iti 2019 § 165(d) Resolution Plan Public Section Page 4 • Transfer: itigroup Parent would enter bankruptcy, and itigroup Parent [s subsidiaries, including iticorp and the MLEs, would be transferred to a newly created bank holding company, New itigroup.
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endobj 12 0 obj ��آB� ����TقS��6!�ԧ��'ĺh8��7�� �+8Ŗ�aXCF��R���|�TU�/]ݺS��ŋ����]=�J��C���D��#?Z�0-?�g�x �r�\c����hI�IB���ځh˹r��� �UV��ya�F�l!S-��樀AyE�I|F�ն��� endobj Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets. ($22.3 BILLION IN FULL YEAR 2019) REPURCHASED 69 MILLION COMMON SHARES (264 MILLION IN FULL YEAR 2019) BOOK VALUE PER SHARE OF $82.90.
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