sort form. Everyone, inform your friends of this post and save their souls! There has been a remix by Experimental-Screamo band There has been more remixes to the song Crank That such as Top Lyrics of 2010. --Agreed. Watch me crank it, watch me roll Watch me crank dat, Soulja Boy Then Superman dat oh. I have tried to add it but it keeps being deleted.--It's essentially a song about sexual assault. I know this release date listed is incorrect. Steel drums are percussion instruments originating from the West Indian islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Ignorance may be bliss, but EVERYONE should know what this song is REALLY about.References to the major remixes like "Crank that Spiderman" which has actually been played in clubs, unlike the minor ones that are listed now It's catchy, I'll say that, but WRONG. IM BOUT TO SHITTTT ON THIS NIGGA!! I went in the studio to record just another song.
All Soulja Boy wants is your money. Worst "song" to date. So is this something people made up after the song was released? Hey I got a new dance for you all called "The Soulja Boy."
--What label, catalog number and release date this single?What label, catalog number and release date this single? Crank That Soulja Boy (Clean) This song is by Soulja Boy and appears on the single Crank That (Soulja Boy) (2007). The song is recognized by its looping steelpan riff.
Death and incarceration is the greatest thing that can happen to an artist just look at Eazy-E, 2Pac, and Biggy. Yes, I know I can add it with a source if I want to. This shit is garbage and needs to be forgotten, but please, don't kill this guy. Amy Include this note: during the video, you'll see a man wearing what appears to be a costume "replica" of I deleted the "YouTube phenomenon" section as it lacks a general notility. This article has been vandalized. These is an alternate interpretation of the lyrics: it could be about having sex at a young age. And what about the cross-dressing?
Alright so I admit I hate this song with a passion, but 1.) crank dat Alternative meaning, popularized by the the Soulja Boy song of the same title. There are sources pointing to the controversy surrounding the offensiveness of this song ( ex.
Hey I got a new dance for you all called "The Soulja Boy." other than to "crank" something. Ah yeah! thanks, Artist: Soulja Boy Album: Other Song Lyrics Title: Crank Dat Soulja Boy [Chorus: x2] Soulja Boy Off In This Hoe Watch Me Crank It Watch Me Roll Watch Me Crank Dat Soulja Boy Then Super Man Dat Hoe Now Watch Me Do (Crank Dat Soulja Boy) Now Watch Me Do (Crank Dat Soulja Boy) Now Watch Me Do (Crank Dat Soulja …
Too bad I made a small typo in the original, but still a powerful diatribe nonetheless. repetitive is spelled wrong, and 2.) YES there is evidence that the definition of "supermanning" preceded the song, go here All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Digital Archaeologist & Archivist & Pundit & Early Adopter (#8) Digital Archaeologist & Treasurer & Pundit & Gallery Housekeeper Anime Anthropologist & Protip Advisor & LGBT Community Expert Database Moderator & 4chanologist & Gensokyo Resident Sr. When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the Surprised this info isn't on the article. However, the How abandond was this page to not even mention this songs grammy nomination Since I know this article will be locked for a while can someone please REMOVE THE DAMN USELSS LINKS. I am currently writing an essay on the problems of determining the truth when an I remember hearing this song in Little Rock, AK in 2006. I just finished watching a youtube video of his bitch ass dissing the legendary Ice-T, reading off wikipedia, snickering about his old-ass hip-hop, stating that he wrote … Thanks man. "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" is the debut single by American rapper Soulja Boy Tell'em. I will list them by section: Be aware that this interpretation of the lyrics is not entirely pleasant. Entry Moderator & iFunnyologist & Turtle Emoji Digital Archaeologist & Archivist & Media Bus Boy Robert Pattinson Standing In A Kitchen Becomes An Unfashionable Meme Claudia Conway Accuses Mother Of Having Her Arrested Characters Argue Over Who And Whose Fursona Is Cringe, And Who(se) Is Not "Crank That" is a viral dance craze started by DeAndre Cortez Way, AKA Soulja Boy Tell 'Em; a young rapper who managed to turn his MySpace and Youtube fame into a music entertainment career. Bridesmaids, Reservoir Dogs, Willy Wonka - just a few of the flicks where characters discuss specific songs, sometimes as a prelude to murder. Sadly, his newest song "Crank Dat" has seemed to garner the attention of almost every 16-17 year old teenage girl. (OH!) "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" as written by Deandre WayNon-lyrical content copyright 1999-2020 SongMeaningsJavascript must be enabled for the correct page display
Rob Dickinson gave an interview in 2006 in which he describes "crank" as being British slang for an odd or eccentric person. Know Your Meme is an advertising supported site and we noticed that you're using an ad-blocking solution. Crank dat Soulja Boy seems to reference "Crank dat Roosevelt" and "Crank dat Robocop"...although maybe it is simply referencing the Roosevelt and the Robocop sans Crank dat. This is wikipedia not the ghetto. I didn't go into the studio saying, 'This is gonna be a #1 smash and everyone's gonna be doing this dance'. This spent seven weeks at #1 in the USA. NNOOOO u lied In May, Soulja Boy met with Are we sure about that? When she wakes up, it's stuck to her back like a cape. Elvis covered it in 1956, and it became his biggest hit.Keith Richards did some studio alchemy on "Street Fighting Man," which is all acoustic except the bass.Freddie Mercury considered "We Are The Champions" his version of "My Way." Now watch me … Now watch me you (Crank dat, Soulja Boy) Now watch me you (Crank dat, Soulja Boy) Now watch me you (Crank dat Soulja Boy) Now watch me you (Crank dat, Soulja Boy) Now watch. | Cover = Crank That (Soulja Boy) Travis Barker Remix.jpg
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