2010. 2. Federalism, or the balanced division of authority between the state and national government, was of paramount importance to the Founders. As it has become too common to hear that someone chooses not to vote because they feel they feel that their voice is unheard in the vast national elections, state legislative elections provide an opportunity for citizens to exercise their democratic will effectively and thereby regain faith in their government.Gerrymandering may present an obstacle to a healthy republic in the final analysis, but the arguments provided so far have neglected some of the uses of gerrymandering that help strengthen American democracy. The democracy toolkit has been in development for more than a year.
It is true that gerrymandering does not function in the exact same way as the pre-17One example of such a form is gerrymandering’s unappreciated ability to prevent tyranny of the majority. Sure, gerrymandering may be a way for parties to gain unfair political advantage at the cost of true democracy, but who doesn’t love the crazy congressional district shapes it makes? o What impact do you think gerrymandering has on our confidence in representative democracy? Redistricting Game, Lessons 2-3 4.
Secondly, it also helps restore a more desirable balance between federal and local government.It is necessary to recognize the Founders’ belief that a degree of aristocratic refinement was necessary to democracy, and thus that the country was created not as a direct democracy, but rather as a representative republic. The Bracero Program: The Bi-National Migrant Labor… Examine and analyze the impact of gerrymandering on elections in PA and MD. There are two paramount reasons for gerrymandering’s philosophical merit. term gerrymandering. To rely on the unchecked will of the people (though attractive) could be a possible means of creating a majority tyranny that would destroy the more foundational individual rights that the government was created to protect. Students will: 1.
The process still perpetuates voting districts. Assess the motivations for and electoral consequences of gerrymandering. But here's the rub: Partisan gerrymandering is generally permitted as long as there's no evidence that it discriminates against specific populations.The states under recent legal scrutiny all argued, albeit unsuccessfully, that, while their district maps were drawn to give the majority party a clear electoral advantage, there was no intent to racially discriminate.This process has huge impact on the balance of power in our political system and plays a large role in determining how much our votes actually count on Election Day.Take the 2014 midterms. Justifying gerrymandering requires a thorough examination of Founding principles, how they have been subverted since their origin, and ultimately how gerrymandering may restore such Founding principles. Election results were often skewed in their favor from the 1960s to the 1990s, and states like Illinois and Maryland are still heavily gerrymandered to protect Democratic majorities.So prevalent is the process that former President Barack Obama is teaming up with Eric Holder, his old attorney general, to try to change how political districts are formed.With an eye on 2021, when states next redraw their lines, Holder has stepped up to lead the “[Obama] thinks, and I think, that this is something that threatens our democracy,” Holder For more on the strange geometry of redistricting and gerrymandering, check out this great interactive by Newsbound.
The party in control is likely to redraw district lines in a way that ensures they'll control the most seats, even if they win fewer overall votes. But it has not ruled against straight-up partisan gerrymandering: when parties draw lines for pure political advantage.
Identify and analyze the techniques political cartoonists use to express opinions and encourage critical thinking about contemporary issues. As James Madison writes in Federalist 10, “to secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a faction, and at the same time to preserve the spirit and the form of popular government, is then the great object to which our inquiries are directed.” Madison goes on to state that “A republic… promises the cure for which we are seeking,” whereas a “pure democracy… can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction.” With this in mind, the view that gerrymandering is wrong solely due to how it frustrates the democratic will (the standard argument) is undoubtedly insufficient when viewed through the lens of American political thought.The republic was initially designed so that representation would achieve a careful balance between the will of the people and the independent judgment of certain wise and ambitious elites. Elbridge Gerry, who in 1812 engineered the drafting of his state's electoral districts to directly benefit his own party. The belief that gerrymandering disenfranchises voting challenges the democratic notion that the will of the people must match outcomes in their representation. 2016.
The term is derived from the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, whose administration enacted a law in 1812 defining new state senatorial districts. 2017. Participate in a simulation activity. By providing distance between the people and legislation in Congress, gerrymandering can be seen as a valuable measure to check the purely democratic will. Note that this resource was originally produced for The Strange Geometry of Gerrymandering (with Lesson Plan) Following the census every 10 years, states redraw their congressional and legislative boundaries so that all districts have roughly equal populations. Gerrymander 101 worksheet 3. In order to… Understand how gerrymandering works and TYPE OF ACTIVITIES: 1. The strange shapes of the new district maps, it was said, resembled a salamander.
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