Besides, it's only in English that evil is live backwards; in French, they're mal and vivre respectively.
In Old English, the two words bear little resemblance to each other: Nobody sat down with a pencil and decided to make words from anagrams, and even if they had, it wouldn't make the words mean anything different.
No, seriously, I love my mom... And you can, too, for twelve dollars. It's all just coincidence.
0 3 3. 1 decade ago. 4) Aibohphobia 5) Racecar. But evil is live backwards, yes.
And MOM upside down is Dad's favorite thing.
If the hand is between 3 and 6 the guess is B. Easy to figure out...yet also not of importance as that is english spelling. I watched the video of my wedding backwards.
You can use addition to make your own number palindromes.
They are one of the most common ailments that people experience. … I think it''s just a coincidence. Update: yes I live. lived.
These kinda questions make me said.... A palindrome is a word that is spelled the same forward and backward. One Word Palindrome List. Of course it means something because in 2012, nasi domis predicted that the dead will rise and destroy the world in some giant hell invasion I read a sermon that stated the reason why live is evil spelled backwards.
Numbers can be palindromes, too. Update 2: was natas6665. Some examples are 44, 252, and 8,338. YOU MEAN THE DEVIL LIVED?!
Words spelled the Same Backwards .
Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place!
And WOW upside down is MOM. a name/suicide spelled backwards,or suicide in reverse.
Some speculate that if there is good, there is bad, and the word is kind of like an anomaly wouldn't you think? Besides, it's only in English that So many words spell other things when the order of the letters are reversed. The word devil spelt backwards is lived
1 decade ago.
A method of guessing on a multiple choice test that involves looking at the position of the second hand.If the hand is between 12 and 3 the guess is A. What is devil spelt backwards, some words can be the same forwards and backwords or could even spell a new word. Evil is live backwards----the word explains itself Even more disconcertingly, 'love' is 'evol' (evil) backwards... Hmm..that there is evil in everybody's actions and that theres a devil in all of us....? 14 Answers.
If you spell devil backwards does it make any sence, or does devil spelt backwards spell another word. Lv 6.
Answer Save. I don't think this means anything at all. Favorite Answer. OMG! No, I'm sorry, that joke was cheap and easy, and so's my mom, and that's why I'm here. Its called a d...I do not believe that Bollywood is deliberately setting out to project good or evil, but rather its primary...Here is another, just in case:If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become?...Here are some related questions which you might be interested in reading.People have tried to read into that. With so many thousands of words in the English language, and only twenty-six letters, it's no surprise that some letters will find themselves in similar formations.If you think about it logically, the etymology of the words are completely different, and standardised spelling wasn't introduced until 1755, when Samuel Johnson published the dictionary. It must mean that evil doers want you to live so you can have more followers. What answered currently has a total of 79080 questions answered also 59 unanswered questions and 3747383 visitors served. It is a highly contagious disease that is most common among infants and young children.What can cause tooth decay, Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases, but it doesn't have to be because it can be prevented, Not only do you need to worry about what you eat but also you need to be aware of how often you eat.What can cause eye problems, There are so many eye problems that even listing them would complete this article.
Nothing spectacular there.
Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. So many words spell other things when the order of the letters are reversed.
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