Con Edison and Crestwood share a focus on employee and public safety, operational excellence and a commitment to protecting the environment. ©2020 Kern River Gas Transmission Company. At year-end 2019, and including future capacity expected from expansion projects that are not yet fully constructed, approximately 5.3 Bcf per day of transmission capacity, excluding 2.0 Bcf per day of firm capacity commitments associated with the MVP, and 29.6 Bcf of storage capacity were subscribed under firm transmission and firm storage contracts, respectively.Interruptible service contracts include volumetric-based fees, which are charges for the volume of natural gas transported and generally do not guarantee access to the pipeline or storage facility.
Major interstate pipelines with multiple interconnects: Millennium, Tennessee, Transco and Dominion Consolidated Edison and Crestwood Announce Closing of Northeast Pipeline and Storage Joint VentureConsolidated Edison And Crestwood Announce Northeast Pipeline And Storage Joint VentureStagecoach Gas Services LLC, Commercial & OperationsSafety is Our First Priority. The list of available Assets can be found here: Argüelles Pipeline, S. de R.L.
Customers with interruptible service contracts are not assured capacity or service on the transmission and storage systems. We engage with the communities we operate in to understand the issues they face, develop solutions that support them, and pursue new opportunities to contribute to economic growth.Our stakeholders provide respected insight into the operations of our business. Kern River considers line pack and operating conditions in all segments of the system, Daily Operational Report Saturday, August 8, 2020 4:44 PM CCT.
The map has mouseover for source and destination. .
See our © Equitrans Midstream 2020 | PIPELINE SAFETY The Equitrans Expansion Project is designed to transport up to 600,000 dekatherms per day (Dth/day) of natural gas from production supply in the central Appalachian Basin, to the growing demand generated by local distribution companies, industrial users, and power generation facilities located in the northeastern, Mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions of the United States. We believe our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management practices drive both financial and intrinsic value for our company today and in the future – and building trust and demonstrating transparency are central to our approach. The high/low line pack bands are adjusted from time-to-time for reasons including, but not limited to, seasonal weather changes, impacts due to maintenance events, and changes to shipper nomination patterns.
Equitrans Midstream is firmly committed to the concept and practice of equal employment opportunity. The evolving circumstances of our global society highlight the importance of stakeholder trust in businesses and the role that transparency plays in establishing and maintaining our strong relationships.As our Core Values define who we are as a company, our corporate sustainability framework incorporates these values into its five pillars to define our approach to sustainability. Informational Postings. The five pillars are designed to enable Equitrans to deliver long-term, sustainable value to all of our stakeholders.First and foremost of our corporate sustainability pillars, Safety Leadership is always our top priority—above all else. Everyone at Equitrans has a collective responsibility to exhibit safety leadership to realize success and, most importantly, create a workplace where Zero is Possible.The conservation of the natural environments in which we operate is incredibly important to Equitrans. To the extent that capacity reserved by customers with firm service contracts is not fully used or excess capacity exists, the transmission and storage systems can allocate capacity to interruptible services. We strive to meet or exceed both expectations and regulatory requirements. All rights reserved.
when operating capacity at mainline compressors is determined.
Kern River - Capacity Release Indices
providing innovative solutions and reliable energy infrastructure services in a safe, efficient, and responsible manner – and optimizing delivery of natural gas as a crucial resource to meet the nation’s demand for clean energy.© Equitrans Midstream 2020 | PIPELINE SAFETY The Equitrans Expansion Project (EEP or Project) is designed to transport up to 600,000 dekatherms per day (Dth/day) of natural gas from production supply in the central Appalachian Basin, to the growing demand generated by local distribution companies, industrial users, and power generation facilities located in local, northeastern, Mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions of the United States. including Kern River's wholly-owned mainline and the Kern River/Mojave Common Facilities,
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC Informational Postings For Equitrans, the safety and well-being of our employees, contractors, and community members takes precedence and we believe that the execution of our business strategy is not successful unless Zero is Possible. Informational Postings. Our principal assets located throughout the prolific Appalachian Basin, along with several growth projects, distinctively position us to meet the growing energy demands of the United States.In June 2020, a wholly owned subsidiary of Equitrans Midstream merged with and into EQM Midstream Partners, LP (EQM), and as a result of the merger, EQM became a wholly owned subsidiary of Equitrans Midstream. Additionally, the transmission and storage system was supported by 39 compressor units, … Customers are not assured capacity or service for volumes in excess of the firm contracted volume as such volumes have the same priority as interruptible service.
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