We train and work together." Why should he get a free ride? This is crime related because the Chief was punched in the face afterwards, and the son's owner arrested.
When the fire department arrived, they announced that since Cranick had not paid his fees, his house would be allowed to burn to the ground. This seems to be a case of a city department which offers subscription ( for a fee) fire protection outside the city limits. Doesn't the family's income tax go to pay the firefighters? They declined to turn their hoses on because … It came to our attention when we looked out the back door and noticed that the sky was ablaze. i have mixed feelings on that one...................its more of a political thing anyhow. If you're trapped in the house they'll still rescue you, make sure your safe and all of that but your house will still burn down. I've seen them burn to the ground in less than ten minutes. Gene Cranick watched his house burn down in Obion County after firefighters from the nearby town of South Fulton arrived. Stand around...do nothing. By the way an attorney can make a lot of money from this case, or would you expect to be represented for FREE.How can you "forget" to pay an annual fee... especially multiple times? Anyways, when they were ready to pay up even more than $75, the firefighters said it's too late. A small army of firefighters were on hand in case things went wrong, and nearby homes were doused with water to prevent flames from spreading.
Again, some great points. Continue Reading Below . Firemen stand and watch a Tennessee home burn to the ground because they didn't pay their fire fee. They came. I’m just trying to push the wrong buttons here. Putting a family on the street over seventy-five dollars will cost the state thousands upon thousands for welfare. The fire chief explained that the black mold presented a toxic risk that they needed to wipe out immediately.
Even if they actually did forget, it is their problem.. Another American wanting others to be responsible for their life. Would a doctor perform a life saving surgery if the pt had no insurance or cash, NO? "I'm sure that part of the family's taxes support to their local fire department; they should get a good attorney and sue them. When the home was burned down to its foundations, firefighters put out the blaze and inspected the remains. "I believe when when the family said they forgot to pay. Don't buy the policy, don't expect your homeowner"s to cover it. I don't see a need for an extra $75 fee.When you have a choice, you live with the consequences. They would have gotten a notice just like taxes & you already know it has to be paid every year..Ignore your car insurance and see if they pay when you get in a wreck, or your health ins, ect.. Don't pay your property taxes and you will find a lean against your house.
No, you're pushing some of the correct buttons. Fire Departments inside small towns will provide protection to people outside the town limits for a small fee.
I guess when it comes to money "Going above and beyond the call of duty" is a myth.I think that was awful what happened to that man's home. They first started digging a fire trench and burned the entire structure to the ground. Another is money. Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee. Ignoring standing waterHouse Was So Infested With Roaches That Firefighters Burnt It To The GroundLet Wikibuy Do The Searching And Apply Savings To Purchases Before You Make ThemUse These Types Of Furniture To Spruce Up Your Office Environment5 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Matters During the College Years No one died, but what happens if someone was still in the house calling for help. So, the heartless firemen decided to abide by Tennessee law of "Don't pay, Don't spray. As it turns out, however, they were not aiming to save the house. They soon arrived with a truckload of equipment. A smoldering rage may be all that remains after Gene Cranick's home burned to the ground last week in Obion County, Tennessee. Its a dangerous job, so pay for the services. It's heartbreaking and infuriating what this homeless family is now going through. Double post, ftl. "Subscription" is pretty common with volunteer fire departments.
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