If our donation button is not working, please mail a donation to Forever Home Rescue, 106 Adams St, Medfield, MA 02052. PBRC is an educational, funding and listing resource for owners and caretakers of American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and any mixes thereof. Please stay tuned. Maine and Northern New England: Lisa, 207-320-0346 ME
501 (c)(3) organization devoted to saving . Rescued Rottweilers United with Friends and Family, Inc.
Kyle Miller (referral only) Kylem64@aol.com 609-265-9195 NJ
Karen Whitfield ecsast@verizon.net (MA) 978-388-1184 MA
Kelly Postell Kelly@carolinacoonhoundrescue.com
Life's Little Paws (all-New England) www.lifeslittlepaws.com, Rita Kirouac rita@lifeslittlepaws.com
Havanese Club of America Rescue, www.havanese.org/rescue
Norwegian Elkhound Minutemen Association, nemainc.org
Chinook Owners Association Rescue, www.chinook.org/rescue.html, coarescue@chinook.org
NYC Shiba Rescue, http://nycshibarescue.org, email: shibas@nycshibarescue.org, 917-591-3408 NY
Click on the photo below to see our ADOPTABLE DOGS .
National German Wirehaired Pointer Rescue, www.nationalgwprescue.org, Eastern Region: Garnett Persinger 814-587-2365 PA, 13838@windsteam.net
Mini Aussie Rescue & Support / MARS (NH), www.miniaussierescue.org, info@miniaussierescue.org
American Miniature Schnauzer Club, www.amsc.us, Rescue Chair: Kelly M. Radcliffe, rescue@amsc.us
Norwegian Elkhound Rescue/Referral of New England.
Dancing Paws Small Dog Rescue (all breeds under 30 pounds; all New England states) Stephanie Mayo, 978-939-2415,
National Brittany Rescue and Adoption Network (NBRAN) - Laurie Burton (MA/CT/RI) nbranbrittanyrescue@gmail.com
Downeast Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Portland, Vicki Rolls National Shiba Club of America Rescue, www.shibas.org/rescue.html, rescue@shibas.org
(New England Region)
Rochelle Lafer (Eastern/Upstate NY) rlafer@hotmail.com
PittieLove Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Find Pit Bull Terrier dogs and puppies from New Hampshire breeders.
Northeast Flat-Coated Retriever Club, www.nefcrc.org/index.html, Jennifer Tower, 413-547-2522 MA, slipstreamfcr@msn.com
Labrador Retriever Rescue of Hudson Valley, 203-426-6535 CT
Chinook Club of America, www.chinookclubofamerica.org,
East Region: Denise Shelar w00dclmbe@aol.com 203-888-5325 CT
Dachshund Club of America,National Rescue Coordinator: Dr. Jane Mahffey guiness7@comcast.net, 904-217-7698
Dogue de Bordeaux Society of America Rescue, www.ddbsarescue.org, Info@DDBSARescue.org, East Coast coordinator: Marie DeRosa, resq4dogues@optimum.net
Curly-Coated Retriever Club of America, www.ccrca.org, Rescue Committee: Jim Crosby jim-crosby@comcast.net
Pit Bull rescue Central.
Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America Rescue and Referral, www.fcrsainc.org/rescue/index.html, Jackie Capes MapleManse@aol.com 603-547-8607 / 603-547-8654 NH
Irish terrier Club of America, www.itca.info; Elisabeth Devlin efdevlin@cox.net 401-568-0130 RI
East Coast: Fran Smith 585-335-3439 dhumohr@me.com
Peke Club of America Pekingese Charitable Foundation Northeast Pekingese Rescue, Inc, www.nepekerescue.org/default.asp
Joyce Sproule 508-743-8444 MA, cell: 508-245-9088 MA
Crest-Care, www.crest-care.net, Beth Massmann, crestiemommy@gmail.com
Debra Bosse please_rescue_animals@yahoo.com 207-753-0178 ME
Russell Rescue www.russellrescue.com, Jennifer Carr Jrthns@aol.com (RI/MA/NJ)
Our job is to pubIicize the pit buIIs up for adoption.
© 2020 PittieLove Rescue, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
adopt@greyhoundrescuene.org 508-478-1617 MA
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