It is a compact and medium/large size dog with a muscular body and blocky head. What can we help you with? I TRY SO HARD TO RIGHT THE WRONGS OF THIS PERSON THAT TURNED HIS BACK ON A WONDERFUL BREED OF DOG.I WILL FOREVER BE HERE FOR ANYONE INQUIRING KNOWLEDGE ON THIS BREED. As soon as they hear it it puts a bad taste in a lot of mouths, and i dont think anyone could clean up the mess tah Aaron left it in. Females over 19 inches (48 cm) – 22 inches (54 cm) at the withers.Important to note that the XL Bully variety is simply taller than the Standard American Bully. He copied a the original site and spreads lies he is a crook he goes by 2 names cory o Jones and cory o'neil buy from him is a gamble with your money and u be supporting a lier a theif and someone who will go to great lengths to hurt another mans legacy he didn't not spend 20+ years in the business he con his way into the muglestons name and is now trying his hardest to be it. First, you need to teach your puppy to stack. WATCHING THIS GUY SCHEME HIS WAY THROUGH THIS GAME REALLY BOTHERS ME.
I have the text still in my phone.You tried to act like you was the owner of techno. HE DOESN'T EVEN OWN A DOG ONLY A WEBSITE.HES WENT AS LOW A RACIAL SLURS AND SLANDER BC I STOOD UP AND CHOSE INNOCENT PEOPLE OVER PROFIT. We wanted to share information with all of the pitbull community about the ultimate dog Super vitamin/supplement. He personally stole money from me.Cory went out of his way to help me get a breeding that arron was suppose to be doing for Me. A registration certificate is provided when you buy puppies from us. Yanking, tugging, and performing circular spinning motion makes it very tough for your puppy to catch the lure. Ear croppings included. Despite the American Bully’s fierce and powerful appearance their demeanor is gentle. Review #1225906 is a subjective opinion of poster. why would anyone keep the name of the guy that owned it before? Rights Reserved Arron doesn’t even own a *** dogTHIS IS CORY AND I WANT TO THANK ALL OF THE GREAT HONEST PEOPLE THAT WENT TO BAT FOR ME IN EXPOSING THESE LIES AND THE DEFAMATION OF MY CHARACTER BY AARON MUGLESTON AND HIS BAND OF MERRY MEN.
texts usually returned within 30 minutes or less but always within 24 hours. so if you are looking for the biggest, most muscular dog with the best temperament you have come to the right place. Lucky I didn’t come to Oklahoma and file charges of theft by deception.I still work for the federal government, you wanna play games?Statue of limitations is still good on that claim. Muglestons pitbull farm is an infamous. (318) 436-9821 The American Bully should give the appearance of a square body, equal in length when measured from point of shoulder to point of buttocks and from the withers to the ground.• Well muscled, let down at hocks, turning neither in nor out.• Medium in comparison to size, low set, tapering to a fine point and extending approximately to the hock.• Should be rounded and of moderate size in proportion to the dog, compact, well arched and tight.• All colors and patterns are permissible except the pattern merle.• Dogs should be healthy and should NOT reach the point where it is considered obese.Males 17 inches – 20 inches (43 cm – 51 cm) at the withers. XL Bully dogs share the same build, body type, and breed type as the Standard American Bully, and are expected to carry a heavily muscled, massive, bulky body type.Juat a few supplies, and a few easy steps and you will have the ultimate exercise toy for your new Mugleston Pitbull puppy.The goal of the activity is to not allow your dog or puppy to catch thelure part of the firt pole. What happened?
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