Experts will writ… We’re making it hard for him to be unavailable!February 10 The Union of Concerned Scientists and our friends from Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) are working together to do an relationship-rooted advocacy training day. The Clean Power Plan (CPP) repeal review has a new comment deadline: April 26, 2018. There is a good faith-voice support In our calls we will focus our discussion on these questions:Members in State College PA-05 are trying new strategy: an invitation to Congressman to attend a Saturday breakfast with a climate speaker where he picks the date.
For a decade Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light (We are seeking a visionary: a flexible and creative individual who can help guide PA IPL into the next decade, particularly with the work of expanding and deepening the organization’s base of support and of helping PA IPL realize its broader goals from its strategic plan such as clarifying our organizational identity (rebranding and diversifying stakeholders), developing more focused programming, and building the necessary internal infrastructure to see PA IPL into the future.
Interfaith Power & Light Yesterday at 5:44 AM The Southeast Faith Leaders Network and southeastern IPL affiliates ... are hosting the Faith Communities & Climate Resilience Virtual Summit today. Oregon Interfaith Power & Light (OIPL), a project of EMO, engages the faith community to strive for accountability in our individual and collective energy decisions in an interdependent world.
Interfaith Power & Light 672 13th Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612 510-444-4891
Please submit testimony! The language we like to use is that “infrastructure is a covenant with the future,” first found in the PA IPL The Pittsburgh Presbytery (the formal regional conference of the Presbyterian Church) met recently and — with a great deal of leadership from the Rev. We are seeking a candidate with a strong background in:Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and list of at least three references to the PA IPL Search Committee at © 2016 Pennsylvania Council of Churches Ministry of Public Witness [Powered by WordPress theme Virtue] PA Interfaith Power & Light. climate action environmental justice. Label your comments with “Comments on Docket #EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355” Federal courts have delayed the hearing for the climate change case brought by 21 youth, giving religious communities more time to teach, learn, and study about the Our Children’s Trust. Panel manufacturing already took the hit…. Learn more about the case and the Governor Wolf has grown forgetful about various promises related to climate change. Experts will write expert testimony. Here is PA IPL’s testimony at the hearings on the final Clean Power Plan rules in 2014.
We hope the discus…
Read the The Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC) is considering how to interpret Act 40, the recently-passed bill that “closed our solar borders” to make sure that we are actually producing the solar-generated electricity for which we give ourselves credit. And the workforce is led by military veterans.
Great opportunity to increase your skills, or, for folks who have experience and have been to a PA IPL workshop, to tune-up, meet new folks, and add an intro to “power-mapping.”May 21: Our friends at Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania host an annual mini-conference and advocacy day. We are concerned that both credits and out-of-state agreements will be grandfathered, effectively cancelling the legislation.We invite you to use the notes box to highlight some areas not deeply addressed by the survey:Current issue in front of the House and Senate: infrastructure. He needs to act on methane. This year’s theme was Love Made Visible: Engaging in Sacred Activism to protect the people we … In 2000, this Episcopal effort broadened its focus, brought in other faith partners, and California Interfaith Power & Light was born. We always end our calls (and call summaries) with a meditation. Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light 210 W. Hamilton Ave., #295 State College PA 16801 NEW PHONE: 814.208.8465 Find us on Facebook
From Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light ( ACTION ITEMS Federal The Clean Power Plan (CPP) repeal review has a new comment deadline: April 26, 2018.
April 17 - 26, 2020 Faith Climate Action Week is ten days in April during Earth Month when IPL congregations focus on how we can all take action to protect our climate. From Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light ( The sustained advocacy call summary leads with action items, and always includes discussion hooks, positive news, and a meditation.
Iowa Interfaith Power and Light September 2010 – December 2017 7 years 4 months.
Local Community Events. We are also hearing that this tariff will have a greater impact on utility -scale installations than on residential.We can ask lawmakers: We don’t place tariffs on fossil fuel imports; help me understand why we would limit solar, but not fossil fuels?In the PA House and Senate we are seeing new and continuing attempts to limit or eliminate regulation without discussion of how to manage costs and harms to the public; we’ll keep you informed of specifics, but they’re likely to be myriad, and ever-changing — eep focused on this as an overall concern, and we can plug in bill numbers or specifics as they are timely.The RECLAIM act is a bill that would release existing money for cleanup in mining communities.
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