Racially emerging from intermarriages between Mongols, Tajiks, Pashtun and Turks, speaking a Persian dialect and avowedly following a Shiite tradition of Islam, Hazara tribes populate Bamyan and central districts of Afghanistan, popularly known as Hazarajat. To stir them up, put your hand into the nest and keep it there is not what a wise man would do; yet that is what I am afraid of, if our present position is maintained.In keeping with his advocacy of a cautious policy towards the frontier, Campbell emphasised the ‘ungovernable’ nature of the Afghan tribes, borrowing selectively from sources available to him.
The ‘tribe’ as a concept emerged as a legacy of colonial knowledge but now functions as part of the wider grammar of neo-colonial power.
Below, I examine these different trends and their associated stereotypes.Sir George Campbell (1824–92) was the lieutenant-governor of Bengal and a leading figure in the energetic ‘Punjab School’ of British Indian administrators who saw themselves as ‘looking to the happiness and welfare of the masses’.
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Through the articulation of this concept over time we can see old colonial logics reproduced.
They are a people among whom every man would be a law unto himself.‘These traits’, he wrote, ‘are not of a passing kind; the Afghans are not to be tamed by subjection and peace; nothing induces them to surrender that love of independence which seems to be the The writings of Campbell can be instructively read in opposition to those of Henry Walter Bellew (1834–92).
Aimaq, meaning "tribe" in Turkic-Mongolic (Oymaq), is not an ethnic denomination, but differentiates semi-nomadic herders and agricultural tribal groups of various ethnic origins including the Tajik, Hazara and Baluch, that were formed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Every man is a warrior, a politician and a theologian. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The origins of the Pashtun are unclear.
Indeed, Elphinstone’s intellectual universe was delineated by the Scottish Enlightenment: ‘both his conceptualization and understanding of Afghan society were mediated by that universe’Scholars have since pointed out that Elphinstone was quite mistaken in the connections that he was making – the Scottish clan system was markedly different from the Afghan tribal code or Second, the work is characterised by an uneasy tension between nuance and sophistication on the one hand and a lack of rigour on the other.
Par l’étude des emplois du terme « tribu » dans le contexte afghan, cet article remplit deux tâches intellectuelles. Bellew was an army medical officer born in Nusserabad, India.
In his While the British ex-Foreign Secretary David Miliband can hardly be said to command the authority and expertise of the authors cited above, he nevertheless advances an argument strongly redolent of colonial scholarship in his 2010 article for Through the particular articulation of the concept of ‘tribe’, this article has shown that the discourse on Afghanistan is both typical and atypical of imperial modes of thought.
Pashtun tradition asserts that they are descended from Afghana, grandson of King Most Pashtun are sedentary farmers, combining cultivation with There were estimated to be about 11 million Pashtun in Afghanistan and 25 million in The settled areas include lowland tribes subject to direct administration by the provincial government.
Pashtun (also spelled Pushtun, Pakhtun, Pashtoon, Pathan) are a people who live in southeastern Afghanistan and the northwestern province of They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan.
The main tribes there are, from south to north, the Banūchī and Khaṭak from the Kurram River to
Pakhtunistan region includes northern parts of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Against the politically charged backdrop of war and an invasion in which foreign forces are committed to an avid restructuring of the Afghan polity, in a way that is sensitive to prevailing cultural mores and customs, any new account of Afghanistan that overlooks the shaky architectures of colonial power/knowledge – built around personal memoirs, travelogues and hearsay – that have given shape to the claims about Afghan ‘tribalism’, constitutes a lapse that is bound to have a mighty material fallout.The upshot of this tortured historical and contemporary understanding of the ‘tribe’ in Afghanistan – and its use as the dominant optic with which to make sense of the country – extends much beyond Afghanistan itself.
As many as 65% of the Hazaras are pessimistic about the possibilities of reconciliation with the Taliban. Drawing on scholarly literature on Afghanistan, the article argues that the ‘tribe’ has become a familiar and accessible idiom – another reductionist oversimplification in the argot of imperial expedience – used to make sense of Afghanistan’s diverse and complex social structure, but that in the process the term has veered far from the manner in which it was originally conceived and utilised.
He writes: But what does the reconstruction of the frontier imply?
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