Kind of. Photo of her in his office or did he too start walking in the garden naked? As Olive Kitteridge said, "There's no such thing as a simple life." I remember totally rooting for this girl who look so sweeter than her sister and desperately fantasizing about tell him the truth I was the only one to know. It was like watching a movie.
Sky? “There was even a violin and a horn at some point,” she said, noting many apartments were empty as many were students who had left the city.The unity over their shared courtyard soon stretched beyond music.“After a few songs, we started chatting, asking if everyone is okay or if people need anything,” she said, adding, “Everyone was doing great and in fine spirits.” Maybe it was the acoustics in his bathroom?The documentary Maiden about an all female sailing crew was SO compelling. But oh, what a moment!When I was a kid, I used to spend hours sitting at the window looking at people on the street.
We went to the restaurant in the apartment’s building and who should show up but the Parisian couple! I think I just fell in love with The Nationals.
Now I live next store to a dorm with my husband.
I’d mimic the instructor’s moves while watching from my mat in the living room. Then “YOU’RE the people with the two fluffy cats and the two blond boys and you had the walls painted blue and always sat in that chair by the window!” They saw me in early labor with my younger son, and coming back into the window a few days later with a newborn, and noticed when our cats were both not around anymore. My in-laws are long-time friends of Marshall Curry’s family :) He is a lovely person and very talented.The Marriage Story will stay with me forever. I appreciate this reminder that there are people looking through my windows, too. It tells the story of a middle aged woman with small children whose life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street. Puts everything into perspective doesn’t it…On a lighter note – we used to live in a shitty tenement style apartment in Brooklyn next to a beautiful, modern single family home. "People of my hometown #Siena sing a popular song from their houses along an empty street to warm their hearts during the Italian #Covid_19 #lockdown," the resident said in a tweet.The video shows a dimly lit and deserted street and features the voices of men and women singing "Il Canto della Verbena" ("The Song of Verbena") -- a traditional patriotic folk song.Italian Susy Unica Silvestri posted a separate video on Facebook on Thursday from her flat in Naples, which has been shared more than 13,000 times.Her video shows people in neighboring blocks on their balconies, singing and chanting upbeat messages such as, "Go Italy, go Naples!"
Neighbours from a street in Greater Manchester didn't let coronavirus restrictions stop them from wishing one resident a happy birthday. It was a lovely night on the sofa with a box of Maltesers between us.I also watched Yesterday recently and it made my boyfriend stay and watch it with me!That was so beautiful.
I don’t exactly know how their story progressed (or better, since I still have friends in that neighborhood, I know the couple married and, after having kids, splitted up quite badly, but I don’t know if the sister had ever declared her feelings or how long she had been in love with him) but I think I developed then my skill to intercept love body language. Unlike the story in this short, we have become friendly with our neighbors, but when I took out the trash this evening he waved at me and it reminded me of this story. We ended up becoming friends in real life, and we’d text each other saying “I see your husband got a haircut!” or “Are those your in-laws visiting?” It was a strange but fun part of living in the city.What good shows or movies have you watched recently?By coincidence, I watched Rear Window by Hitchcock last night. I higly recommend it.I’ve been binging through Schitt’s Creek and have gotten FAR more invested than I thought I would be.OMG!
I’m in Calgary — please please if any fellow Calgarians see this, let’s get together! We feature only items we genuinely love and want to share, and this is an arrangement between the retailer and Cup of Jo (readers never pay more for products). Watch on Demand
The Neighbors' Window is nominated for Short Film (Live Action) for Oscars 2020.
Get local stories sent straight to your inbox as news breaks.Even in the most desperate times, music can lift the spirits — as some Italian neighbors have proven by singing together in harmony from behind closed doors.Residents in Siena, a city in Tuscany, leaned out of their windows and broke into song on Thursday evening in a moment captured in a video posted on Twitter.The video, which has been liked over 77,000 times and shared more than 23,000 times, was taken by a local who said they were singing to "warm their hearts" during the quarantine.
Such a refreshing take to see how beautiful our lives all look to each other.What a beautiful film and story. At one point it housed young adults with special needs in a college program.
I also loved the series, Modern Love.I forgot to mention this in my comment – exactly the same thought: The Marriage Story and Modern Love – SUCH A REAL INTERPRETATION OF OUR INTIMATE LIVES…can not wait to see more Modern Love series.I remember the first time I listened to the podcast episode of this story (from the CoJ post on best podcast episodes!).
Don’t hold back from that <3Thank you so much for sharing this film. I love this story.
It sounds as though yours was even funnier!Hair Love, which won best Oscar for animated short this year, is one of my new favorites. Ah, New York!Ha!
I can see clearly into my neighbor’s kitchen from my kitchen window.
Alle deine Daten werden an die Russen, Chinesen und den Mossad verkauft.
I haven’t seen in a long time such a good narrative and perspectives about the story. 20:37 The Neighbors’ Window ist ein Kurzfilm von Marshall Curry und basiert lose auf einer wahren Geschichte.
It’s so hilarious and intense.This short was beautiful.
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