Order or download our free Explorers' Guide to plan your trip of a lifetime.Want to know what's new and what's happening in the NWT? My view evolves.All is still quiet at 7:00 am on a Yellowknife summer morning. Perhaps a morning kayak through the houseboats. Here you’ll find some of these stories. Make mine strong, fresh, and dark roast10 things you simply cannot not miss in a Yellowknife summer20-hours of sun daily. Up at stupid o’clock to get someone delivered to the airport.The air feels like camping this morning. These are things the travel guides are less likely to tell you. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Still the smell of wet earth.4:45 am on a Yellowknife summer morning and I cannot see the lake. A dogsled, a snowy trail, and the Aurora.
Hay River, south of Great Slave Lake, is even more clear – all but 25 percent of the time in …
Long days.But most of the time, a reference to Yellowknife returns a blank look. Or hop on a plane and be here before sunset (kidding… you’ll get here long before September).
Like on a weekend where the windchill isn’t minus forty degrees or at the Long John Jamboree.
Buying guinea pig on a spit in Peru? I’m not going to NOT write an amazing post just because it doesn’t fit into a category.
So it becomes all the other stuff. Yet the air is still. Sign up for our Spectacular newsletter. Undoubtedly there will be many a barbecue over dinner, followed by drinks with friends in the back yard or on the dock, or around a fire pit into the long the evening, losing track of time without the sun to signal bedtime.Surrounded on three sides by water means that Yellowknife’s Old Town takes much of its flavour from the water.
Year round houseboats create a colourful off-grid and off-taxes option to accommodations right within the city.This routine may sound like typical summer at the cottage for many Canadians. So worth it.© Copyright GrandBlog Theme Demo - Theme by ThemeGoods This is our everyday in a Yellowknife summer.Second, we have 20-hour days in which to enjoy the summer life.And finally — and I confess I take this for granted — the view. The start of a quintessential Soon Yellowknifers will start their weekend routine.
Yellowknife is the best place in the world to view the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights.
First of all, do you really need to bring a power adapter? Now that’s Yellowknife summer.
For some it may require a short walk. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. Now that’s an adventure!Destinations are stories about countries, cities, towns, villages and holes in the wall. Not even the mosquitos are moving. But increasingly, Aurora-watchers flock to the territory long before Old Man Winter arrives – and discovering why seeing the Northern Lights in late summer is a hot trend indeed.Over the past few years, summertime Aurora tourism has skyrocketed in Yellowknife during the August-to-October period. Yellowknife has been called the best place in the world to see the aurora.That’s not just marketing. We live there. Ethereal says my friend.I sit outside in my hammock chair with my coffee, drinking it all in. Summer in Yellowknife feels like a giant stress reliever.
Or running out of air while scuba diving? I’m one of those, so you can expect to hear a lot about this little northern corner of the world over the next few months. Look here for those things that strike me as a traveller.The world is full of adventures in food and travel. Year round. I drive by no fewer than four lakes on my five minute drive to the grocery store for goodness sake!I guess one of the reasons tourists in large numbers haven’t discovered the summer nirvana that is Yellowknife is that it takes some commitment to get here. If you want to see aurora when the temperatures outside are mild, I suggest September or October, after it starts to get dark again. Maybe the day will be closer to home, getting bedding plants in the ground, confident that there will be no more frost days until September. It is mystical. Now that’s Yellowknife summer.Baked, fried, or on a stick: Bannock is a Fab North American Indigenous FoodChef Mandara serves up Bacon and Egg Pizza and Other SurprisesCraving coffee? Welcome to summer one of the most spectacular times in Yellowknife. The fog has given way to the sun.The sounds of the day creep in.
All winter long visitors, residents, and animals scurry from one place to another trying to stay warm while only enjoying outdoor activities once in a while. Birds are awake now.
So, All the other stuff is the potpourri of the Travelling Foody.10 things you absolutely must know before you book your short term rental on Airbnb10 things you simply cannot not miss in a Yellowknife summer20-hours of sun daily.
Ever wonder who taught those crazy Italians how to drive? Visiting a Michelin-star restaurant in Italy? And most of the time we’re just fine with that.
A sail on Yellowknife Bay. Chasing the Aurora Borealis? Days in Yellowknife are warm and the nights just as warm. We get close up and personal with he people, customs and curiosities within them. What about parasailing in Mexico? The chair and the silence, like the fog, hug me.
Researchers at the University of Calgary have determined that if you come to Yellowknife for three consecutive days during aurora season, you’re practically guaranteed to see the aurora.But as a summer destination, Yellowknife is still not on many radars.
As the morning unfolds, the fog gives way to another Yellowknife summer blue-sky day. That’s how millions of prospective visitors imagine the Northwest Territories – a winter wonderland, bathed by glowing lights. Book your tickets online for the top things to do in Yellowknife, Canada on Tripadvisor: See 6,352 traveler reviews and photos of Yellowknife tourist attractions. Maybe a hike and a picnic around any one of dozens of lakes in town or along the Ingraham Trail. Then a float plane buzzes overhead for a landing on Back Bay. The quality of light is golden just before twilight. We are an urban oasis on the edge of the wilderness.
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