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As for the contacts I can somewhat understand that there may be issues because of a few reasons. 1) What I have set as cortical and cancellous bone is actually a surface body on top of a solid body with the offset type as middle 2) There were a lot more contact regions that I deleted because ANSYS placed contacts where they should not have been (i.e. And giving it the required info I put it on Solution for Total Deformation and Equivalent StressBut it wasn't Solved rather giving the following error message :-(Snapshots of my problem are attached, I can elaborate my problem if neededHow do you resolve the following error in ansys structural simulation?Atleast one body is found to have only one element in atleast 2 directions along with reduced integration.Consider changing to full integration elementcontrol or meshing with more elements.In ANSYS Workbench, I am facing problems in solving a transient structural model. I’m running a structural analysis in ANSYS Workbench, and the stress results I get in my model are larger than the ultimate strength defined in the Engineering Data. I am getting an error saying that an unknown error occurred during the solution and to check the Solver Output in the Solution Information for possible errors. nucleus pulposus was having contact with an adjacent vertebra, where nucleus pulposus is completely enclosed within the annulus fibrosus of a disc) 3) I also deleted contact regions of the vertebrae solid bodies (cancellous bone) with adjacent discs since only the surface bodies (cortical bone) are supposed to have contact (this probably presents a problem if the surface and solid bodies are "within" on another as I think they are.
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and How one can choose the suitable convergence criteria combinations and values if each one gives a completely different results?I am modeling a simple RC Beam in Ansys with Perfect Bond between steel rebar and concrete.
Any suggestions?The model has non-linear materials and frictional contact elements.1.
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You can find the manual in electronic format on ANSYS Workbench’s website as well.
I am running a static structural simulation of part of the cervical spine. "Internal solution magnitude limit was exceeded". Can anyone please tell me how to use APDL commands in Workbench?How can I solve the following error in Ansys Workbench: Unable to start Cad system?When I want to import the Solidworks file to Ansys workbench I encounter following error and I do not know how to solve it?The capabilities of the three-dimensional singularity element formulated by Tracey must be assessed if the element is to be widely employed. It is shown that accura...Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work.© 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH.
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As for helping you Deepak, I'm still having difficulty myself and have gone through a lot of trial and error to try to model cancellous and cortical bone separately. From my repeated trials on nonlinear solution, I have noticed that changing the CONVERGENCE CRITERIA of solution will change the solution results completely and without a specific pattern.Not only Failure load and deflection at failure, but also load deflection curve change in a clear manner using different values and combinations of convergence criteria.My question is: What is the concept on which ANSYS is performing the analysis using different values of convergence criteria? This is being done by going to menu item Prepocessor -> Coupling/Ceqn -> Coincident Nodes and in the menu I selected "All Appropriate".
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