In recent years, however, DeVoe accepted a mission with the This character, team or organization is or was primarily an enemy of the This character was a member of the top secret government organization This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Before Clifford was erased from Ralph's mind, Marlize stated that Team Flash's emotional support eventually defeated him before telling him he could not understand, before finally watching Clifford get erased and Ralph coming back. Marlize then stated that he would have to find her and the rest of the team before heading to Clifford eventually failed in his plan to reboot everyone's minds when Barry exited his mind with Ralph.
Barry confronted DeVoe, who teleported the pair of them over the city. She told him of Team Flash's progress in learning about him, suggesting he had miscalculated their prowess. DeVoe was a member of the Injustice Society and the Suicide Squad. He contacted him and told him that he has taken over Dominic's body. After Barry found Ralph alive in the Thinker's mind, Marlize was shocked to see Ralph alive as well as she thought Clifford had killed all the bus meta-humans that were created when Barry exited from the Speed Force. DeVoe then told her that the age of enlightenment is to begin and the pair left in their car while Barry was arrested for DeVoe's "murder". DeVoe then used his chair to take the lives and powers of the four bus metas in Iron Heights, killing them.
Marlize displayed remaining love for Clifford, trying to save him rather than helping Team Flash kill him outright, but once it was proven he had no good left, Marlize sadly killed him herself. Thinker is a name used by several super-villains in the DC Universe. Starting at around IQ 1000, we see that this does not sum up DeVoe’s IQ. Professor Clifford DeVoe, also known as The Thinker, is a history professor at Central City University and a criminal mastermind. This caused Clifford to despair, unable to accept that even though he intended to use the power he had gained for good unlike other meta-humans, To prolong his life, Marlize helped design a special chair that would grant energy to his brain so that it wouldn't feed off of his body so much. He was also not above killing and could even take sadistic pleasure in it, as he did to After he was ejected from Ralph's body, DeVoe used another of Clifford DeVoe as Ralph Dibny transformed into his original formTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maybe he’s so young and don’t give damn about IQ points so he never gave a test.
Not long after Barry's and Iris' wedding, DeVoe attacked Barry using his hoverchair. Professor Clifford DeVoe, also known as The Thinker, is a major antagonist in the TV series The Flash, being a mentioned character in Season 3, the main antagonist of Season 4 and a posthumous antagonist in Season 5. He used Ralph Dibny's shapeshifting abilities to recover his initial likeness, which led to Marlize and him kiss passionately. She testified with fake tears. Cliff Carmichael later used the device and became an enemy to Firestorm. He said his goodbye to the rest of Team Flash before being reunited with Marlize; they kissed and put his wedding ring on his finger. After his death, his consciousness lived on as an artificial intelligence.
He was mentioned once in one of the episodes of the third season by Savitar. They developed a "plan of enlightenment", in which they aimed to upgrade the "delivery system" of knowledge at the University of Oxford and change the way people think. DeVoe specifically told Barry that while he may be the fastest man alive, he is "the fastest mind alive". Join my discord: Creator: Flxsh TV Series: The Flash (The … Taking the alias "The Thinker", DeVoe set to work. He also showed himself to be thirsty for power, seeing that when he showed interest in the metahumans of the bus that was orchestrated by him, Devoe also showed himself cruel, seen as he killed civilians without thinking twice, and abusive towards his wife Marlize, often erasing your memory if it is not obeyed. Marlize is the co-creator of the Thinking Cap and the sole creator of Clifford's other cybernetics that allow him to stay alive despite his deteriorating … Labs particle accelerato… Since we can see that he is around ten times smarter than the Council of Wells combined, that brings us to around 30,000. Marlize then said a final sad goodbye to her husband before unplugging the chair's power source, permanently putting an end to Clifford and his madness.
It has not been revealed. Marlize warned Barry that DeVoe could take down all of Barry's powered allies and insisted that entering on his mind was the only solution. He had the alarm go off in the apartment so that Barry would go there.
He then went on to attempt to achieve his ultimate goal to reset the intelligence of every person on the planet, known as the " Clifford DeVoe was born on May 8, 1975, and raised in In 2013, DeVoe accepted an invitation to become a professor at DeVoe and Marlize, now living in Central City, worked on adapting to their new lives and saw progress for human development through the acceleration of mind, with DeVoe thinking that his own genius was not enough to achieve their plan of "distributing knowledge" throughout society. Clifford DeVoe was born in Keystone City in 1910.
However, this made Norvock paranoid that DeVoe planned to replace him.
Marlize guessed that Wells was lying and was planning for the reactor to explode to produce a greater Over the months that followed, Marlize saw that her husband's intelligence had skyrocketed.
Devoe's personality changed dramatically, he became more wise and without emotions. facility to capture Fallout.Using Ralph's shape-shifting ability, DeVoe impersonated In the Thinker's mind, Barry discovered Ralph still alive and the pair set off to find the "good DeVoe" only to discover him dead in his classroom. In the air, DeVoe attempted to use his mechanical arms to capture Barry but accidentally damaged his chair, which sent him into the water.
Feeling that their minds had become too small whilst his own ability to convey information effectively was lacking, Clifford began his efforts to construct the "Thinking Cap" with his lover in the name of bringing forth an "age of enlightenment".
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