Our experts are available 24x7. There is no water in the traditional tanks. Apart from scanty rainfall, a number of other factors also adversely affect the magnitude of droughts. There is no food or fodder. Watch lectures, practise questions and take tests on the go. Drought is a dangerous condition which decreases the quality of life.
A drought usually occurs when a region faces a shortage of water. A drought is a period of time in which no rain water is available, resulting in water shortages for people of that region. Rain water falling on roofs and open spaces can be harvested. Water from the bathroom can be led into the garden. Unlike earthquakes or cyclones, droughts can be predicted much in advance. Drought Essay Drought And Its Effects On Drought. Newspapers carry horrible tales of children having been sold by starving parents.
In this study, we conceptualize drought propagation as a cascading phenomenon that begins with... Focus On California And Drought.
Children are also the worst victims of drought conditions. Acute scarcity of water leads to human misery in multiple forms. Rainwater falling over barren land is washed away into the rivulets and from there into the sea. Modern technology is capable of transporting surplus water to areas thousands of kilometers away where even a glass full may be luxury.There is already talk about having a water grid that would connect major rivers all over the country. Water is a very scarce commodity in some parts of the country. And yet some people who can afford tend to waste it. Farmers are the worst to suffer when the rains fail. Drought Essay in 200 Words (Effects Of Drought) Drought is refer to a condition of prolonged climatic dryness that is enough to reduce the soil moisture below the level necessary for sustaining animals, plants and human life. Now that we are all feeling the crunch of water scarcity, we have to reenergize those sources. Drought which is marked by the absence of or low rain in a particular region for a long period of time occurs because of various reasons including global warming, deforestation and many other human activities. Their condition becomes worse under drought conditions. Here we are providing essay on drought so you can prepare your kid to win any essay competition or this can also help them in their school examination. The tanks, wells and similar underground water reserves remain unchanged.
Similarly, they also have to face heavy financial losses. Moreover, they experience plant disease and wind erosion. They lose crops and are left with no fodder for their cattle. Seasonal streams are at some places used to feed catchment basins. The citizens and government must join hands to prevent droughts to save thousands of lives. As a result there is not enough water available through hand pumps, wells and other traditional sources that depend on underground reserves of water. Naturally occurring water holes are common phenomena in hilly regions. The underground reserves get no time for getting recharged in these circumstances. They give ample time for the State authorities to prepare for and cope with the problems raised by drought. 2. Their schooling gets disrupted and any hopes for their future lie shattered. Plantation of trees and caring for them is something that each one can do, it would go a long way in recharging ground water reserves with whatever water is received through rains. Have a doubt at 3 am? Drought is a dangerous condition which decreases the quality of life. These problems such as drought, global warming, and pollution are caused by our... A Study On The Drought. It is termed as a natural disaster with harmful effects. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, we are making In some cases, village communities built small tanks that were fed water from hill streams or springs. concepts cleared in less than 3 steps. Channels are built to connect the streams to the tanks and the stored water becomes available for both domestic use as well as irrigation. Rain water harvesting projects executed through community cooperation have been a great success in some parts of Rajasthan. This becomes a reason for worry as it is their sole income. Some of the effects of drought include failure of crops, financial loss, price rise and soil degradation. 3.
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