Mentally enslaved by the evil Gestahlian Empire, they use her magic powers to make war on the Empire's neighbors. Additionally, her decent physical stats, ability to equip all swords (including Ultima Weapon and Lightbringer) and shields and all heavy armor make her a strong physical attacker. Her high magical stats, and her ability to equip female-exclusive equipment and other items, make her a powerful user of Magic. Kefka used the Warring Triad's power to kill Gestahl and unleashed their power on the world, causing the At some point after the cataclysm, Terra found herself in the village of When the party came to Mobliz, they asked Terra to rejoin them, but she refused, as she wanted to understand what the unfamiliar emotions she felt were, and the more she tried the less inclined she felt to leave. After Kefka was killed, Terra transformed and used the last of her power to help the party escape the now crumbling tower. Banon tried to convince the The Returners raided the facility and retrieved the The party returned to Narshe and were told the town had formally joined the Returners. Terra's Trance is enabled when she rejoins the party in Zozo. Banon suggested opening the Sealed Gate to the Esper World and making an alliance with the espers.
For Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy on the PSP, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "FF6 Terra vs. Dissidia Terra". Yoshitaka Amano and Tetsuya Nomura designed Terra for the main series installment Final Fantasy VI, where she is one of its protagonists. They cornered Terra in a passage when the floor caved in and she fell to a lower floor, and saw glimpses of her servitude to Kefka before passing out.
While Terra was hesitant, she accepted that her very existence was proof co-existence between human and esper was possible, and agreed. Her ATB gauge is replaced with a green gauge that slowly decreases, and when it empties she turns back into a human. Journalists and fans praised the character for her complexity and unique backstory. Meanwhile Arvis contacted After making contact with Edgar's estranged brother At Narshe, the guards recognized Terra from her raid on the town and refused her entry, but Terra remembered the secret passage into the mines that Locke had used to escape with her, and they snuck back into town and to Arvis's house. She is made to participate in an armored assault on the town of Narshe, exterminating most of the town's militia in pursuit of a recently unearthed magical creature which are known as Espers. This resembles how Terra was taken by Emperor Gestahl and raised in a loveless environment and made to obey against her will. In May 2018, Square Enix released a silver Terra pendant with a fuchsia gem as part of the "Christiana" was an early saint who had been tormented by her pagan father. These designs were used as the basis for alternate outfits of Terra in the Terra's signature weapon is a sword with a deep purple handle and a red orb on the guard and pommel, and a slim, curved blade. The party was struggling against Humbaba when Terra emerged from hiding and transformed into her esper form to help them. Humbaba was slain but Terra still struggled to contain her esper form's power. This is because the GBA, Steam, and iOS versions have a smaller screen display compared to the SNES and PlayStation versions. Humbaba attacked again and the party engaged him while Terra stayed with Katarin and Duane. Terra also appears in the spin-off fighting game series Dissidia Final Fantasy and the rhythm series Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. The party set out to the When Terra approached the Sealed Gate the Returners were ambushed by Kefka. A mysterious young woman, born with the gift of magic, and enslaved by the Gestahlian Empire.Terra is an eighteen-year-old woman with long hair tied in a ponytail, a red dress with a purple or pink sash around her waist, red boots, and red bracers. The length of time Terr… While Terra is transformed, the damage she deals is doubled and the magic damage she takes is halved.
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