But he didn’t and will forever be remembered for this lack of moral courage!Gen. It may result in violence or may not. But having said that! Formerly a media anchor, corporate leader, management consultant, start up entrepreneur and military officer, he tweets @HaiderKonsult and blogs on shrmehdi.com Elite Capture — Part 4 … And that the rape, loot and plunder and near total destruction of civilian institutions at the hands of ZAB, Benazir, Nawaz, Zardari, will not be fixed in a few years. Deal done with Gen. Bajwa.2. That Bilawal and Maryam are great leaders. Pseudo analysts like me and pretentious TV anchors, sit on top of this dung heap, attempting to bless their highly questionable narratives with this “stamp of authenticity” of getting it from an “insider”.Flaunting words like “Pindi” “Islamabad” “Boots” “Aabpara” tapping their shoulders to imply military rank etc. It is not commonly known that the ANP under Asfandyar Wali, tried to Trojan themselves into creating near anarchy and civil war, through the PTM. It is this destruction of the current order and privilege and elite capture which everyone fears!The desperation is very high. CM’s Buzdar and Mahmood are two of the most visible and sore examples of this!Imran, whatever his justification and his own reasoning, in stubbornly sticking to his Buzdar decision, one being that he doesn’t want to repeat a KPK Khattak, is totally and completely wrong in continuing with Buzdar. If Gen. Ayub had not taken over in 1958 he would have done so in 1959 or in1960.This military takeover was inevitable, especially given that Gen. Ayub had been already been brought into the Cabinet as early as 1954, as a serving Army Chief, and had been witnessing first hand the serious political instability and infighting that ensued and of course supported by our “good friend”, the USA.USA had decided that Pakistan was to be their “front line state” against the spread of Communism in Asia, with India having cast its lot with the then USSR.Hence for them a military strongman was a much better option than a bunch of squabbling cats and dogs to deal with.They clearly had a huge hand in Gen. Ayub’s takeover and the subsequent red-carpet treatment he got on his visit to the USA, videos of which we so proudly share nowadays, were nothing but to flatter and fan Gen. Ayub’s ego and not a testimony to our “greatness”, as we mistakenly assume!Pakistan was a classic USA foreign policy strategy which they have followed for decades, and visible even now, in their support of the many monarchist and quasi dictatorial governments in the Middle East.After Governor General Ghulam Mohammed, dismissed PM Khwaja Nazimuddin he also dismissed the legally elected Constituent Assembly to prevent it from changing the constitution, and restrict his powers as Governor-General.In so doing he sought the support of Gen Ayub, who provided troops to control communications with London and avoid any possibility of the Queen being advised to replace the Governor-General.Gen. Haider Mehdi. Those who know Gen. Bajwa will vouch that Gen. Bajwa is genuinely and passionately committed to civilian supremacy and overlordship and will never overtly or covertly attempt to exercise control.
Just wait. A dupliticous and most dangerous game they played!
-Haider Mehdi. Certainly not in Punjab! Were he to walk away today with some sort of a victory or even a draw, or even some egg on his face, to fight another day, he and the forces he represents will be further emboldened.
Every new Chief brings in his own team. Let the system continue. it was mostly the ANP rank and file. Is he becoming more statesmanlike or still stuck in his Dharna mode?Are we seeing a tapering off in the angry, harsh, conflict laden rhetoric that he employs in his various speeches or is it becoming more shrill, negative and counter productive, which he thinks plays to his constituents? Is a rotting order seeing its destruction, dangerous? Farman e Mola Ali aswt... S Haider Mehdi. Let Nawaz be treated by a system he ruled over for 35 years.But, this terrible system must be destroyed and uprooted, if Pakistan is to survive!More critically, Pakistan cannot afford Imran’s failure!As the political temperature rises and falls in Islamabad, there is still confusion, ambiguity, ambivalence, perhaps even a fear of violence and unrest as a result of an intemperate action by Fazlur Rehman or his cohorts.That Fazlur Rehman is way over the line. We lost half the country. Haider Mehdi is a Geo political commentator / blogger on National and International affairs. Not now but ever since he was a young officer.2. This has certainly cast a huge shadow around him! Finally when confronted they had to kick out Bushra Gohar and Afrasiyab Khattak, two senior ANP leaders, who were openly supporting, siding and were seen at the forefront of the PTM! 122,859 people follow this. And their two biggest enemies and targets?So their best strategy is to malign and bring into disrepute both individuals and their efforts. Nothing else. Die hard secularists and leftists in bed with him!What a horrible sight! These people believe in a “Hindu Master Race”All therefore all his rhetoric, symbols and actions are uncannily similar to Hitler and like him, Modi has touched a huge angry chord in the Hindu mindset, who have been seething with anger against the Muslims because of 800 years of Muslim rule over India. This order will certainly give rise to highly polarized views, great confusion and insecurity and conspiracy theories of attempts to oust PM Imran and weaken the Army and a treacherous stab in our efforts to come out of our current mess.Many are aware of my perspective and very strong support for the military in its efforts to help rebuild civilian institutions and my considered view that it will take time for their footprint to be reduced and that it will not happen, overnight.
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