The one on the left has retained the name Hermissenda crassicornis and is being referenced as the “Thick-Horned Nudibranch” where the species ranges overlap. This nudibranch was described from San Diego, California, United States. These cerata are white and orange — the amount of each colour from just a little orange at the tip, to nearly entirely orange — with a bright white stripe running the length of each ceras*. I never come near your site without leaving with a whole lot of new information. These two species can be distinguished by their cerata: the more northern H. crassicornis has a white stripe in each ceras, whereas the more southern H. opalescens doesn't. Hermissenda vs. Corynactis August 3, 2007 From: Bruce Wight Came across what appeared to be a Corynactis californica feeding on a Hermissenda crassicornis.After a few minutes the struggle was over and the Hermissenda crawled away leaving a few cerata behind..
I am so glad you asked as I totally nerded out and made a summary table to differentiate the 3 species reported in the research “The table is just for you my fellow nudibranch nerds.But, I’ll cut to the conclusion. Hermissenda crassicornis from British Columbia. ©Jackie HilderingThis is a most fascinating posting. Die Fadenschnecke ernährt sich von verschiedenen Hydrozoen, Anemonen und Seescheiden.Die hübsche Fadenschnecke ernährt sich auch kanibalisch von jungen Schnecken der eigenen Art.
Identification description of opalescent nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis) * Fun fact!
The species on the right is being referenced as the “Opalescent Nudibranch” (reinstating the species name Hermissenda opalescens). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The former has cerata in front of its rhinophores as well as behind, and the latter has orange on its rhinophores and oral tentacles.* Fun fact! The tips contain the stinging cells (nematocysts) of the nudibranch’s prey e.g. In 1922 O’Donoghue concluded that Hermissenda opalescens (Cooper, 1863), originally described from San Diego, California was a junior synonym of H. crassicornis, originally described from Sitka, Alaska, and this opinion became universally accepted [23, 25]. ©Jackie Hildering.Hermissensa crassicornis feeding on Pink-Mouth Hydroids. Locality: San Miguel Island, 50 feet, California, USA, Pacific, 16 July 2007, Reef structure. ©Jackie Hildering.Feeding on hydroids, Red Soft Corals to the left and crawling on a Red Ascidian (highly advanced invertebrate, the most advanced of all in the image). Don’t be fooled by the colour of the two species found in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. ©Jackie Hildering.Hermissensa crassicornis on Bull Kelp. This nudibranch lives from Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Northern California. This species is commonly known as the "opalescent sea slug."
Bright blueish-white lines also run and along the sides of the foot. ©Jackie Hildering.Hermissensa crassicornis on Solitary Pink-Mouth Hydroid. In some lights the colours of this nudibranch seem to glow. The species on the right is being referenced as the “Opalescent Nudibranch” (reinstating the species name However, off British Columbia’s coast we are only likely to see the species on the left with its range being from Alaska to Northern California. As a result of making the following post on social media, I learned that there has been a change in classifying the “Opalescent Nudibranch”.As you can see, the species on the left is more similar to the one I posted and which we call the “Opalescent Nudibranch” in British Columbia.This has of course led to the need for two common names to differentiate them there. Habitat. See A 2016 study found that what was previously called H. crassicornis along both sides of the Pacific Ocean (Alaska to Baja California in the northeast, and Russia and Japan in the northwest) is actually a species complex, with one species in the northwest and two in the northeast, overlapping in Northern California. Thereby, I anticipate this beautiful species will keep on being referenced as the “Opalescent Nudibranch” in the vernacular.What are the differences between these two species? Distribution.
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