Definitions for the word, stuffs. Unspecified material: Put that stuff over there. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including I've heard "equipments" from Japanese business partners, and "stuffs" from Chinese colleagues.
Your feedback will be reviewed. "Stuff" is a collective noun, but "stuffs" would probably be understood to mean distinctly separated groups of stuff.Stuffs is a verb. Have you ever heard someone complaining about all the "stuffs" they had to carry?
I say stuffs a lot, which is the plural of stuff, even though stuff already refers to a collection of (plural) things. Bear in mind that Stack Exchange answers are “right” answers. However, there are exceptions.The spelling in these instance can be moneys or, more commonly, monies:It's a word, as in "the CIA operative covertly stuffs the Ukrainian ballot box", but I don't think you can correctly say "my dorm is full of all kinds of interesting stuffs". And it seems netizens are finding Mak's tips rather useful.
Chinese nouns don't generally have different forms for plural, so it is difficult for native speakers of Chinese to get it right in English, and I believe most Japanese nouns are similar. (= how brave, strong We'll have to get rid of all this stuff when we move house. May describe any undisciplined horse, especially one that bucks.
It is generally used to refer to vague, undefined things.
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The reason is that the word "stuff" has no single form, and adding an 's' to it is not only incorrect, it also does nothing to emphasise that one has many things to carry. - " no, thanks, I never touch the stuff"don't give me that stuff!
As others have said, "stuffs" is also a verb (present tense singular), so the spellchecker won't count it wrong. Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets.Browse our dictionary apps today and ensure you are never again lost for words.
"do you want some beetroot?"
It only takes a minute to sign up.I know that "stuff" is a collective noun, but other collective nouns like "family" can be pluralized, but "stuffs" doesn't sound quite right to me.
Anybody can ask a question The word stuffs is an action ("to stuff something"), therefore it is a verb, not an adverb.
Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. "Fish" can mean one fish or several fish, but "fishes" usually refer to groupings of different types of fish - so it's a pluralization of the collective, not of the singular.This could be generalized to this case as well. fusts; stuff; tuffs; 4 letter words made by using the letters STUFFS.
Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us "Stuff" is a very informal and vague word. - "no, I hate the stuff""would you like some wine?" 198402868E.
I don't have the meaning of this word.
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{{#verifyErrors}} Grammar
Tell us about this example sentence: "Stuff" is not countable. If you have, it's probably best that you forget you did.The reason is that the word "stuff" has no single form, and adding an 's' to it is not only incorrect, it also does nothing to emphasise that one has many things to carry.This is just one of the many common mistakes that Singaporeans make when speaking English, and one that Facebook user Aaron Mak has addressed in a series of English usage tips on his Facebook page.Some other common mistakes he identified include referring to a stamp as a "chop", and pronouncing the word "children" incorrectly as chew-ren.Mak also encourages the use of British English, and shows the difference between American and British spelling in his slides.The Facebook album, which was last updated on July 29, already contains 48 slides.In a description field for the album, Mak asked netizens to print the slides out as reminders to speak and write good English. Sorry. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Originally an unbroken feral horse, now primarily a word for the horses used in rodeo bronc riding events, where the horse tries to buck off a rider.
Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Answers that lack support may be removed.
5 letter words made by using the letters STUFFS.
As to why it sounds wrong to you - I have no idea.
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