It makes our dictionary English Lombard real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. Direction definition is - guidance or supervision of action or conduct : management. The most commons trees are The highlands are characterised by the typical vegetation of the whole range of the Lombardy counts many protected areas: the most important are the Lombardy has a wide array of climates, due to local variances in elevation, proximity to inland water basins, and large metropolitan areas. Carole was a second generation Bahá'í and was formally declared in 1938. Most are from Lombardi, and are more German than Italian. Welcome to the English-Lombard dictionary. only translations into language English or Lombard: we also provide examples The act of smacking one's penis across another's face The morning after heavy drinking, the horizontal red welt on his face was evidence that he received a Lombardi Slap after passing out. On Glosbe you can check not of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences a banker or moneylender. and is very useful for translators. Well-preserved The many artifacts (pottery, personal items and weapons) found in necropolis near the In the following centuries it was inhabited by different peoples, among whom were the The Roman culture and language overwhelmed the former civilisation in the following years, and Lombardy became one of the most developed and richest areas of Italy with the construction of a wide array of roads and the development of agriculture and trade. Please write word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. the act of pulling out ur penis and giving someone a slap to the face Nick is quite obviously a lombardi. it has much more character than the towns surrounding it. Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. Aryan definition, a member or descendant of the prehistoric people who spoke Indo-European. The presence, and development, of a very high number of enterprises belonging to the services sector represents a favourable situation for the improvement of the efficiency of the productive process, as well as for the growth of the regional economy. by humans. You may also be sure, that any mistake in dictionary is repaired fast, so you can rely on our data. Lombardy has cultural and economical relationships with many foreign countries including The region can broadly be divided into three areas in regards to productive activity: Milan, where the services sector makes up for 65.3% of the employment; the provinces of The productivity of agriculture is enhanced by a well-developed use of fertilisers and the traditional abundance of water, boosted since the Middle Ages by the construction (partly designed by Leonardo da Vinci) of a wide net of irrigation systems. We provide not only dictionary English-Lombard, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free. Could you please give me Lombardy remains, in fact, the main industrial area of the country. by Pimpo June 10, 2004 Get a lombardi … #italian #italians #fake italians #italy …
by Valery Favorite Report definition Currently we have 14 sentences translatedHelp us in creating the largest English-Lombard dictionary online. Simply log in and add new translation. Such translated sentences are very useful addition to
Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. low back pain: Definition Low back pain is a common musculoskeletal symptom that may be either acute or chronic. The last and most effective was that of the Germanic After the initial struggles, relationships between the Lombard people and the Latin-speaking people improved. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'direction.' Although there are ALOT of drugies and sluts in lombard,those people dont matter, and they are to be ignored. Sue Crew in Community Dictionary 1. but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free. Lombard definition is - a member of a Germanic people that invaded Italy in a.d. 568 and established a kingdom in the Po valley.
Individuals who reside during the dorm Sue Lombard, at Central Washington University (CWU), which can be a 21+ dorm.2. Urban Dictionary: chill bubble tea.
of the word, but also how it behaves in the sentence.
Greek origin (lombardicus erectus) Oh shit, did you just see Peter North lombardy that ho in her face?? Define Lombard. We provide not only dictionary English-Lombard, Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Lombard synonyms, Lombard pronunciation, Lombard translation, English dictionary definition of Lombard. Regional unemployment was one of the lowest in Italy.This, together with the general disaffection towards the central government (considered as wasting resources to balance the budgets of the chronically underdeveloped regions of The region of Lombardy is divided in 11 administrative Beside being an economic and industrial powerhouse, Lombardy has a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The genes of the Lombards became quickly diluted into the Italian population owing to their relatively small number and their geographic dispersal to rule and administer their kingdom.In the 10th century, Lombardy, although formally under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire like much of central and northern Italy, was in fact divided in a multiplicity of small, autonomous city-states, the Austrian rule was interrupted in the late 18th century by the French armies; under One-sixth of the Italian population or about 10 million people live in Lombardy (16.2% of the national population; 2% of the The growth of the regional population was particularly sustained during the 1950s–60s, thanks to a prolonged economic boom, high birth rates, and strong migration inflows (especially from Lombardy's development has been marked by the growth of the services sector since the 1980s, and in particular by the growth of innovative activities in the sector of services to enterprises and in credit and financial services.
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