The Edict of Fontainebleau (22 October 1685) was an edict issued by Louis XIV of France, also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.The Edict of Nantes (1598) had granted the Huguenots the right to practice their religion without persecution from the state. A four-article document of the 1681 Assembly of the French clergy promulgated in 1682, which codified the principles of Gallicanism into a system for the first time in an official and definitive formula.A 1685 edict, also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, issued by Louis XIV of France. So why does the Tudor monarch still fascinate us? Here are seven facts about her fascinating life and complex legacy.British explorer, diplomat and accomplished archaeologist Gertrude Bell has been described as "the female Lawrence of Arabia."
More bloodshed ensued, and over the next several years, more than 200,000 Huguenots fled France for other countries.In 1686, Louis XIV decided he wanted to prevent Huguenots fleeing to the south to Protestant communities known as the Waldensians, or Valdois, who were settled in the Piedmont region of Italy, which was just across the French border.Troops ravaged the Protestant villages, with 12,000 Protestants rounded up into camps, where most starved to death. A group of Huguenots traveled to an island in Guanabara Bay in Brazil in 1555, but were later captured and murdered by Portuguese troops.Beginning in 1624, Huguenots began to arrive en masse in the By the time of the exodus beginning in 1685, Huguenot communities sprang up in For the most part, Huguenots worldwide have successfully assimilated into the mainstream culture of whichever country they settled in, and many—if they follow any religion—practice a form of the Protestant religion for which the were originally persecuted.Throughout England, France, Australia and the United States, remnants of Huguenot culture—including French Protestant churches, French names of towns and streets as well as textile and winemaking traditions—endure as reminders of the Huguenot’s global influence.Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present.Bastille Day is a holiday celebrating the storming of the Bastille—a military fortress and prison—on July 14, 1789, in a violent uprising that helped usher in the French Revolution. Reflecting that belief, Louis XIV believed any disobedience to his edicts to be sinful, and he adopted the sun as his emblem since France revolved around him as the planets revolved around the sun. The king’s first true love was Mazarin’s niece, Marie Mancini, but both the queen and the cardinal frowned upon their relationship. Louis XIV was ultimately directed into a marriage that was a political, rather than a romantic, union by wedding the daughter of Spain’s King Philip IV, Marie-Thérèse, in 1660. Au cours de la première partie de son règne personnel – amorcé avec la mort du cardinal Mazarin le 9 mars 1661 –, Louis XIV multiplia les signes de reconnaissance à l’égard des protestants. No further Protestant churches were to be constructed, and those already existing were to be demolished. He cites Coquerel, Many countries welcomed them and are believed to have benefited from their arrival.Some fleeing Huguenots made their way to Geneva first, but the city could not support so many people, and only some in the clock-making profession ended up staying there.Parts of Germany that were still recovering from the The most significant population ended up in the Netherlands, with Amsterdam received the most Huguenot transplants.
Au milieu du XVIIème siècle les protestants français sont environ un million (sur vingt millions d'habitants). After all, the Edict of Nantes was the pragmatic concession of his grandfather Henry IV to end the longstanding French Wars of Religion. The document separated civil from religious unity, treated some Protestants for the first time as more than mere schismatics and heretics, and opened a path for secularism and tolerance.The Edict of Nantes was issued in 1598 by Henry IV of France. Additionally, government officials could not be excommunicated for acts committed in pursuance of their duties. Louis XIV eventually legitimized most of his children born to mistresses in the years following their births. Beginning in 1661, the king transformed the royal hunting lodge in Versailles where he played as a boy into a monument of royal opulence.
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