Comb-o-ver Get a 20x combo. My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana.This is a guide to get 100% in My Friend Pedro, i still didnt get 100% (working on it) but this guide will help you get this goal.I will not include finishing the chapters achievements.Its easy, while your’e playing the game just break any boxes you encounter!This is also easy, just play the game and when you have to break through glass just do it, after you break 10 of them you will get the achievement!10x and 20x is quite easy, you have to go through the level quickly and kill enemies quicker, for 50x its harder, play the harder levels and kill enemies fast so the combo meter wont go down. Updated . 10x, 20x and 50x combo achievements Barrely saw it coming Kill an enemy using a barrel. My Friend Pedro. Favorite. One for the road Finish chapter "Old Town" 67.3%. Unfavorite. EASY You don’t even NEED to read this. In this guide ill show you the ways on how to achieve every single achievement!
When the turret appears just dodge it every time it shoots.Kick 100 enemies. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Note: I still did NOT finish all those achievements, but i know how to do them and i am probably doing them as you read this. Check out all the My Friend Pedro achievements, latest news, previews, interviews, videos, screenshots and review from your number one Xbox 360 resource site. or you can ALSO go to the same level and find a place where you can kick the gas canister into the hoop and then shoot it but it might not kill all 3.Kill 500 enemies, Just play the game and you’ll get it.Kill 1000 enemies. In level 7 Old town when you enter Mitch the butche’s fine dining restaurant you will see a knife and a guy. Favorited. In level 6 Old town there will be a basketball on a basketball court. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I know the leaderboards doesn't get recorded if you use modifiers, but maybe the achievement has an internal save that only checks if you get to S Rank once on each level. Rate . EASY. its easier than it looks like, 2000 is alot but i surprisingly got it before i finished the game. 59.8%. (SPOILERS) Hello! Mumbo Combo Get a 10x combo . Knife to meat you Stick a knife in to an enemy. Jun 26, 2019 @ 2:55pm. Languages: English. In level 7 Old town you have the option to kick the frying pan and shoot it, but you can kick it, wall jump to it and kick it to the guy on the left.Throw a gas canister in to the face of an enemy, in level 6 Old town where there are 3 gas canisters and 1 guy, i jumped to kick the guy and when more enemies appeared through the doors there will be one to your left, kick the gas canister to the left.EASY. to get S rating you have to complete the score bar. One for the road Achievement in My Friend Pedro: Finish chapter "Old Town" - worth 25 Gamerscore. This is a guide to get 100% in My Friend Pedro, i still didnt get 100% (working on it) but this guide will help you get this goal. just play the game normally and you’ll get it too.Kill 2000 enemies. Easy just go to a table and press F to pay respe- i mean to flip it, do it 10 times and you’ll get the achievement.Complete a level without firing a weapon. Created by. this might not be this useful but if i find a better way or someone gives an awesome suggestion i will edit this to be a better and helpful way to get S rating on levels. In level 5 district null in the beginning there will be a skate board, keep riding it till you find an enemy, when you found an enemy aim at him, jump and press F to throw the skateboard in to the enemy’s faceDodge 1000 bullets. In level 4 Old town, just do as the picture, push the barrel and it will drop on the guy.Kill at least 3 enemies with one explosion, in level 6 Old town jump but dont shoot the gas canisters until all enemies appear and then go to the left side, keep dodging and they’re gonna shoot the gas and die. i mean which custom has a table and i think your guide is so great
This helped me tremendously, thanks!
Does anybody know if using modifiers prevents you from getting the S Rank achievements? This item is incompatible with My Friend Pedro. it requires some skills but if you kill enough people without the combo timer going down you’re gonna get the achievement!Kick a frying pan in to the face of an enemy.
If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact © Valve Corporation. It is a bit of a pain, but whatever. Global Achievements % of all players. it would be appreciated if you suggest me a way down in the comments below.Thanks for listening to this guide and hopefully it has been an assist to you in you’re achievement hunting. just kick the knife and its DONE.Kill enemy by ricocheting bullet off frying pan, in level 7 Old town you will see a frying pan, kick the frying pan above and spray it with whatever weapon you have and you will kill someone with a ricochet bullet.Juggle basketball 10 times without it touching anything. This is a guide to get 100% in My Friend Pedro, i still didnt get 100%(working on it) but this guide WILL help you get this goal. Just play level 1 on old town without shooting but only kicking, its quick and easy.Kick a skateboard in to the face of an enemy.
Total achievements: 30 You must be logged in to compare these stats to your own 85.9%. Posted . just juggle the ball and you’ll get the achievement, jumping makes it easier and be careful of walls!Kill an enemy using a barrel. will i just got an s rank, but when i went to level select it didnt show s rank, it showed my last score without modifiers, so i dont think it works Thanks!! My Friend Pedro Achievements Guide.
So I'd wanted to know if it's worth it using them or it would be a waste of time. Share . Jun 22, 2019 @ 7:35am. All rights reserved. Find guides to this achievement here. Besides, maybe that one you'd get it anyways since you only need to reach s rank one time, but the next one is 25 S ranks. Gold Online Category: Achievements, Gameplay Basics, Maps Or Levels. in level 7 there will be lasers, touch them and the turret will appear.
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