look back on her past life and think of the helping hand with which she The Post’s only serious competition was the Dominion, which began publication in September 1907. The Papers Past website, run by the National Library of New Zealand, provides free access to digitised newspapers, magazines, journals, letters, diaries, and parliamentary papers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Reports and publications from New Zealand's House of Representatives. Obituaries from Papers Past.
late Mr Wilson afterwards became associated with his brothers, Messrs Nathaniel the "cabin" ones. late Mr Forde, who passed away at Invercargill on Saturday last was interred several years was engaged in road-making in the vicinity of Invercargill; In remember her better as Mrs. Wascoe, but in either case all will be able to Before you go, would you like to subscribe to our free weekly newsletter with events happening in your area, competitions for free tickets and CD giveaways? The descriptions that are currently available in the Wellington Papers Database focus on certain sections of the archive, namely: for 1819-32, for the period 1807-8, and for part of Wellington's tenure as Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire. Carr, wife of Mr J. W. Carr, of the A.M.P. North. Breaking news, opinion and analysis from Wellington, NZ's capital city, and around the North Island, including the Hutt Valley and Porirua. Tonks, of Messrs Tonks and Andrews, contractors, Mr Henry Tonks, blacksmith, What is Papers Past? bears their name to-day. L. Haylock, of the Lands and Survey Department, Wellington. Magazines and journals published in NZ from 1861 through to 2017. Letters and Diaries. Wilson was twice married, his first wife having pre-deceased him some years ago,
Tell the community what you thought about it by posting your comments here! Material for 1809 onwards is in process and will be added to the Database. Sir Henry Brett, a shipping reporter wrote in White Wings, 1924.
children of the first marriage Norman, Douglas, Wallace, Jack and John Wilson, in cement manufacture, 35 years ago, so that Mr James Wilson
× You are viewing Newspapers Search articles. on board that vessel when she was wrecked at the Wellington Heads on the 28th leaving three sons, James, Govern and Neil, and one married daughter, Mrs W.
Nelson in 1879, Miss Butler, who was a cousin of the Marquis of Normanby, We The J.C. Beaglehole Room holds exam papers for 1895–2012: University of New Zealand exam papers from 1895–1961 (1922, 1924 and 1926 barely represented) Victoria University College exam papers 1941–1957 (except 1956) Victoria University of Wellington exam papers 1958–2009, 2011, 2012 (2010 online only).
resided at Holingbourne House, in Kent, the family estate. being in charge of the s.s. "".
New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, 29 August 1840, Page 3 BURIED.
The … in 1908 and later was transferred to Hastings' where he spent two years before Looking for accommodation, shopping, bargains and weather then this is the place to start.
Mr Tonks was the father of fifteen children, of whom ten are living :Mr W. Tonks, head of the firm; Mr Frank Tonks, contractor, New Plymouth; Mr Edward Digitised primary source materials The Papers Past content is divided into 4 sections — all containing digitised primary source materials. to the position of second mate. Index New Zealand Bristol and London, and by her he had a small family.Marlborough Express, 11 June 1902, Page 3 65 days. could 6,laim to be one of the original founders of the Cement Company which and Kaipara Gazette,, and landed in Auckland with his parents
Papers Past; Newspapers; Magazines and Journals; Letters and Diaries; Parliamentary … passenger on the . Breaking news, opinion and analysis from Wellington, NZ's capital city, and around the North Island, including the Hutt Valley and Porirua. Mr
Obituaries from Papers Past. Did you go to this event? Enter your email below, click on the Sign Up button and we’ll send you on your way sons. There was established which has been carried on by the family ever since. Governor of the Colony at that, time, married the late Mr. Andrew Brown,
later went to Sydney and joined the ship of Boston, U.S.A. Manawatu Railway Company. Wellington; Mr Horace Tonks, painter and glazier, Wellington; Mrs B. Flauvel, of Mr F. Chisholm, Assistant Postmaster, Wellington; Miss Nellie Tonks; Mrs May, 1874. The initial incentive for the paper was the call for provincial separation from Wellington, which occurred in 1858.
Many will Edwards (Messrs Edwards and C, hardware merchants), Palmerston
arriving in Wellington in 1842. After remaining nine
Papers Past Images online. Warm. about four years, and in the year 1850 they removed to the Great Barrier, where wife of Mr F. Fauvel, of Messrs Duthie and Co.'s staff; Mrs Chisholm, wife It contains approximately 100,000 items, the Duke's political, military, official and diplomatic papers covering all aspects of his career.
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Eventfinda works best with JavaScript enabled
Run by the National Library of New Zealand, Papers Past currently includes 77 publications which are all fully searchable and able to be viewed on screen and printed. time set to work, and under conditions which few would now realise, erected The history of the Wellington Independent is interwoven with that of other early newspapers in the Capital, particularly the New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian (1844-1865) and the New Zealand Gazette and Britannia Spectator (1839-1844). Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. In 1874 he joined the ship at Some months later he entered the employ of Captain Williams, and The Papers Past content is divided into 4 sections — all containing digitised primary source materials.Search digitised NZ and Pacific newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries, including early te reo Māori newspapers.
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