Any reason why I can't move her now?it might not be the best idea to feed your cichlids guppies. I have a 20 gallon tank with guppies that I raise for Cichlid snacks and I'll can move her to that tank. A 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt is added to every five gallons of water for a two week period. Once you understand the type of brooders you have in your tank, you can begin to assess whether or not you'll soon have a school of fry in your tank. Many of the discus or angel fish are raised in specific, enclosed systems without any contact with other ‘foreign’ discus or angel fish. Since this is the first time I've had a pregnancy I think I'll just leave her alone and let things play out. Pregnant Cichlid Question. ... Bloating and not eating are symptoms of illness.
Bloating and not eating are symptoms of illness.We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. My father in law gave me a female today and her belly looks kind of big for her size. She is holding them and they are not yet hatched. Good question. Mouth brooders keep their eggs in their mouth while substrate brooders like to lay their eggs on a flat surface such as a rock. When they are pregnant the colors of both fish will brighten and you may catch a glimpse of the eggs in a mouth brooder's mouth, but in general, from their physical appearance alone, it is difficult to know if either fish is pregnant. I really don't know what to do, if anything. Should I put her in another tank? Malawi and mbuna are not pairing fish. I really don't know what I'm doing and would appreciate any instructions.If she is in a tank of her own species and you want to save the fry you can wait 18 days from the day she spawned and let her spit the babies naturally. Yes, she's with about 14 other Cichlids in a 55 gallon tank. Cichlids that originated from the changeable Amazonian conditions will usually only mate in low waters. Pregnant Cichlid. I have a pregnant electric yellow. For general questions and issues. Cichlid keepers have used Epsom salt in the past as part of the treatment process for Cichlid bloat. Are you sure she is holding? If you own cichlids from the calm lake waters of the Rift Valley lakes, they will breed as long as the conditions in the tank are close to the acidic waters of their natural habitat. She's not eating and is kind of hiding. I know this could be bloat, but I … Looks like I may have a Cichlid that has a mouth full of eggs. Thomas holds a B.A.
Yes, there's a good chance these are hybrids. 9) Increasingly rapid breathing is also a sign of pregnancy. This method is used to treat the Dropsy like symptoms of bloating. If you have drained your Amazonian Cichlids of only enough water to swim in, the chances are that they will mate. Or if his female is holding eggs and unable or unready or unwilling to spawn, the male will mate with any other female in the tank.I guess I've been lucky because this tank has been stable since I added all these fish last November. It'll be a learning experience for me. While most male mouth brooders are known to move from one mate to another, the male blackchin mouth brooder is known to look after the eggs instead of the female. Behavior-wise, mouth brooders are unlikely to eat for the 21 days they have their eggs in their mouths and you may see substrate brooders cleaning a flat surface on which to lay their eggs.Observe the behavior of the male cichlids. In a pair the male may harass or kill the female. How can you tell if an African Cichlid is pregnant?
I really don't know what to do, if anything. I'll try to get a pic of her. What's a good live food to feed them? How to Know if Your Cichlid Is Pregnant. Ideally they are kept in harems with one male and many females. If you have a male of her species, there is a good chance they aren't hybrids. Post here if you are unsure of their origin or if you have questions about mixing.Looks like I may have a Cichlid that has a mouth full of eggs. Discuss all topics related to freshwater and planted tanks.
Leave any pregnant cichlids alone and let nature take its course.If they cannot find a flat surface to lay their eggs, female substrate brooders can become aggressive. Is there anything that I can do to help the fry survive in the main tank with all of the other mature Cichlids?Can you give a list of what exactly is in the main tank?
What are the signs/ what to look for? Pregnant Cichlid Question 15 posts • Page 1 of 2.
She's not eating and is kind of hiding. Such as refusing to eat or spit food out.
Are you keeping the fry? If you see a male and female substrate brooder swimming together, this means that they are not only a pair, but the female is likely to be pregnant. There are two types of brooders in the cichlid family -- the mouth brooder and the substrate brooder. 7) Pregnant guppy fish color starts to fade a little, it’s a natural camouflage instinct to blend it with their surrounding. by AlizeElizabeth on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:06 pm .
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