He tracks Sora to the Master Xehanort then tries to convert Sora into the thirteenth vessel but is quickly stopped by In order to conduct an experiment on the growth of hearts, Young Xehanort takes several of Andy's toys and traps them in an alternate version of their world called the After Sora has rescued all of his friends they make their way to the crossroads at the Keyblade Graveyard where Young Xehanort appears along with the entire real Organization XIII. in the clock part, young xehanort will rush to you and hit you with the sword, tackle you with fire, the first move, and an X move that mysterius figure has in BBS. li ke always, learn the pattern and don't rush! It is recommended to have Sora at max level 99 to avoid getting knocked out in one hit.Data Young Xehanort furiously lashes you with an icy whip. Developed by SQUARE ENIX. After a difficult battle, in which Master Xehanort frequently interferes via a storm of Keyblades, Young Xehanort is defeated and returns to his proper place in time, though not before again gleefully warning Sora that there is a high cost to overusing the power of waking and that his time is up. Young Xehanort (also known as the Unknown and the Mysterious Figure) is a mysterious character, the identity of whom is actually Master Xehanort (albeit at a younger age).
It doesn't have to be those specifically but definitely use only ranged attacks. If possible, utilize Shadow Slide and Shadow Strike to attack and stop Xehanort's attack. Do this with caution, however, as Riku can be attacked and deflected by incoming clones, especially those which use combos and fiery tornadoes, which can knock him away when using Dark Aura. 【Kingdom Hearts 3】Young Xehanort (Data Battle) - How To Beat【KH3】 - GameWith GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Young Xehanort’s whip attacks can be quite troublesome, as they can still deal damage after the boss pulls back. He can also suspend time and summon a clock on the ground, which begins at 12:00 and begins counting all the way down to 12:00. In addition, you can opt to follow up with a Payback strike after an aerial recovery.Use Sora’s Rage Form command when you Sora in a pinch. Following his elimination, Young Xehanort's heart was returned to its proper place in time with no memory of the experiences he witnessed in the future. After he teleports the third time in this manner, use Dark Barrier near him to block the lasers and use Counter Aura in front of him. After Xehanort takes enough hits, he will transform his Keyblade into a shield and if Riku hits it, Xehanort will counterattack. A boss guide on Young Xehanort (Limit Cut Episode) in Kingdom Hearts 3 Re:Mind. If the projectiles connect, they will inflict Slow, so quickly cure it with Esuna (Riku's spirits can have this command too) or a Panacea if Slow Block is not equipped. Young Xehanort has a variety of powerful attacks, all of which can defeat the protagonist instantly if they are unprepared. Due to the relentless assault of the clones, leaving few to no windows of opportunity to attack, a reliable strategy is to activate commands like Firaga Burst while in midair. Young Xehanort clock form: use ranged attacks. After being defeated, Young Xehanort falls to the ground, laughing. After Sora fights Xemnas, which damages the former's heart, Young Xehanort puts him into a deep sleep, planning to use him as the final vessel in his new Organization XIII.
your spirits help a lot in the normal fight. After he is defeated, he departs again through time. In his youth, Xehanort, who once lived on Destiny Islands, had dreams of leaving his home in search for something greater. Young Xehanort chooses to make Sora the thirteenth vessel for Master Xehanort's heart, as Riku had developed a resistance to darkness.
These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Included are the boss' attacks and strategies to defeat them. this is a fact, i beat ansem II and this one with only "attack" commands, no magic. Data Young Xehanort Fight tips and video on how to defeat the Limit Cut Boss available here! If Xehanort teleports constantly from right to left, he will prepare to charge at Riku. When he starts using the spinning attack, wait for him to do his continuous swings. However, the clones can dissipate after being hit once, so try to use a multi-hitting attack to clear the clones. Although Sora defeats Xemnas, the fight weakens him to the point that he cannot escape from his deep sleep. However, he also gains new abilities, such as firing a beam that inflicts Doom and forces mashing Xehanort will attack whenever an opening to do so presents itself, but it is easy to heal safely by simply dashing far away from him first with either The safest and simplest way to defeat Young Xehanort is to simply use a deck of 2-4 Cure-type commands, and fill the rest with Fire/Thunder Surges.
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