I’d say so. Of course, they cite nothing to support their bold claims — but then again any scientologist would NEVER even think to question the IAS.
For people who talk so much about being “At Cause” and spend a lot of time with dictionaries, it’s kind of amazing that they don’t know what’s entailed in asserting a causal relationship.“An Expert Explains Cognitive Dissonance (with Professor Jonas Kaplan)”Mike, they are “creationists” to the max and encouraged to be so.
In fact, I’m so cynical that I believe this administration is being ADVISED by Co$. If you believe the hype about reaching the level of cause over matter, energy, space and time through Scientology, then believing this crap is a no brainier….Over at Tony’s blog, some nutcase mentions you in the ‘Overheard In The Freezone’ section. Steven Creek Ideal Morgue on a weekend (busiest time of week for the cult) in 3rd largest scamology populated place on Earth.13 cars. Observe. Something about UFO’s, reptiles, and telepathic DNA. Yikes.Even if they applied their OWN “tech” known as the Data Series, anyone could note the outpoints in the IAS promotions. The cult says it so it has to be true. Belgium is a relatively safe country with fairly low rates of crime. L Ron Hubbard From HCOPL URGENT ORG PROGRAMMING"We own a tremendous amount of property. “Always attack, never defend”. It seems to me that Scientologists should be insulted that their leaders would assume that their followers are so dense that they would swallow this garbage hook, line, and sinker.“One would have to be mentally deficient to believe this garbage.”I don’t disagree but I’ll just point out that many high IQ, highly educated people all over the world believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, that God turned a man called Lot into a pillar of salt, that Jonah survived for 3 days in a whale’s stomach and came out whole, that Jesus Christ fed 5 thousand people with 5 fishes and five loaves of bread, walked on water, died on a cross and came back to life, and was conceived without benefit of sexual intercourse. When buildings get important to us, for God sakes, some of you born revolutionists will you please blow up central headquarters". L Ron Hubbard Lecture 31 Dec 1960"Personal integrity is knowing what you know. After all, this is the international association of the most ethical group on earth. To be out of touch is nothing.Commentators make comments. He/It was pulled from the bucket and genetically modified into what you see today.If the org slumps during this transition period, don't engage in "fund raising"
When it comes to the indefatigable dissemination of non-facts the White House is no slouch either. It’s good to see you here! Nowhere else? Just saying.Violent crime has plummeted everywhere since the 90s because lead levels children are exposed to has plummeted.
I believe it is possible Mike and others may know the author and/or his family.New Book – Scientology & Philosophy: An Experiential Overview, by second-generation Scientologist Jason Horvatic.Panopea Abrupta on Tony Ortega’s blog said his mother, “Jann Horvatic is/was Director of Processing in the Sydney Org.” “John Horvatic, OT VII, drowned in a fishing accident 6 years ago.” In case that rings any bells for anyone.That name does ring a bell. The Belgian government are correct when they insist that “prevention is better than cure” and their advice can help stop thefts and break-ins. We are to believe that scientology performs miracles in OTHER places while being entirely ineffective in its own backyard? This person is clearly out to lunch… permanently. Expatica helps make your expat journey the experience you've always wanted. But that’s not important. Handling Crime in Brussels. They also look out for people who store their luggage in overhead racks, so it is best to avoid these, keeping your luggage with you.Belgium is a comparatively safe country in which to live. What you know is what you know and to have the courage to know and say what you have observed".- LRH from Personal Integrity"It is necessary to happiness of man, that he be mentally faithful to himself. If data were cheese Scientology would be swiss cheese. Do they just put all Scientology’s claims in a separate category where they somehow aren’t able to notice that that’s not even a correlation, and nowhere near causation? Hubbard’s policy is that if Scientology is attacked on some vulnerable point then stay away from that point and instead find or manufacture bad things to say about the attackers…”Always attack, never defend.” Marked similarities between how L’Orange and the Dwarf handle accusations of wrongdoing? And here’s another question for you: If one is innocent, isn’t one’s innocence also one’ defense, which in turn, serves as an attack on those who would falsely accuse one of wrongdoing?On the other hand, if one is guilty, if one has no defense, if one is NOT innocent, then all that one can do by way of fighting back is attack the accuser, discredit the accuser with personal attacks and ad homs thereby invalidating the accusations that way. But Hubbard’s philosophy is such a muddle that it’s hard to take seriously, except to recognize it as the sort of inconsistent patchwork typical of belief-based ideologies – and any honest examination of it would have to acknowledge its bizarre idealism and strange notions such as that even universes are created by Thetans, not to mention its ends-justifies-the means extreme utilitarianism and Luciferianism.This is the kind of thing where I don’t quite understand how the cognitive dissonance works. Oh, it’s all bullshit and none of the things bragged about ever happened. That is way I am not looking to compare internationally or even nationally, only within Brussels, where I would expect reporting standards to be uniform enough.
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