The view south from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan as spring sets in must be cause for some apprehension. The Taliban also briefly seized Kunduz Province's Qala-e Zal district, which borders Tajikistan. To improve legitimate flow of people and goods and enhance counter trafficking capacity, UNDP’s EU-BOMNAF [In 2015 BOMNAF project staff visited the area as part of a feasibility study and needs assessment mission. The same year, the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan officially opened the Turkmen-Afghan Railway, which passes through BCP Aqina, which is on an important import-export route for Turkmenistan and Afghanistan national businesses as well as local small scale cross-border trading; it is also known as a major supply route for fuel and agricultural products across the region. Turkmenistan borders with Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Kazakhstan. (There has been fighting for weeks in Herat's southern Shindand district. Badakhshan Governor Ahmad Faisal said at the start of March he expected a military operation to start soon to recapture the Yamgan and Wardoj districts in his province.
Central Asia's Anxious Watch On The Afghan Border Sharing the ethnic population translates into some cultural overlap between Turkmenistan and parts of Afghanistan. But if you drew a straight line from the easternmost point of their common border to the westernmost part, the distance would be about half that. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed their capture, saying the farmers were "planting on disputed land" and a Taliban court would decide whether to punish them.Darzab is in the southern part of Jowzjan Province. At the end of February, the Afghan National Army announced it had recaptured 14 villages in three districts of Takhar Province.Of course all of this is a concern to Tajikistan's government -- although not so much because of the threat of the Taliban crossing the border. And the Taliban does have a presence in Darzab district. But since they are not on the frontier with Central Asia, they are also excluded from this review.The length of the Turkmen-Afghan border is 744 kilometers, although, as is the case with the Tajik-Afghan border, there are other figures for this frontier.The Amu Darya River forms about the first 100 kilometers of the eastern Turkmen-Afghan border before turning sharply north, heading toward the Aral Sea.From there, the Turkmen-Afghan border dips toward the southwest through relatively flat, sandy land, much of which is in or on the edges of the Gara-Gum (Kara-Kum) Desert. The Turkmen population in Afghanistan is concentrated mainly along the northern border with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A spokesman for the Jowzjan governor's office, Mohammad Reza Ghafari, said on February 15 that Taliban fighters abducted 52 farmers in Darzab. Their purpose in Herat was to fight alongside a Taliban splinter group that had also declared loyalty to IS, in a battle with a group of "traditional" Taliban fighters.The traditional Taliban faction eventually crushed their opponents, but some of the pro-IS IMU and Taliban militants escaped into other areas of northwest Afghanistan.Residents and officials in Jowzjan Province blame IS for burning down some 60 houses in a village in late December and for killing six Afghan employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross in early February.In late October, Rahmattulah Hashar, the head of Jowzjan's Darzab district, said the "armed people of Daesh [IS]" captured four villages in his district. It stretches for 3736km with 7 road checkpoints located on it. Afghan officials have repeatedly said that some militants, especially the foreign militants, alternate between calling themselves Taliban and IS.Hashar does make a distinction, as he has specifically accused the Taliban of attacks in his district. In Afghanistan, the Turkmen population accounts for 3 percent of the total, or approximately 1 million people. One more river -- the Murghab -- forms some 16 kilometers of Turkmenistan's border with Afghanistan's Badghis Province.The Afghan provinces that border Turkmenistan are, from east to west: Jowzjan, Faryab, Badghis, and Herat.This area was arguably the most peaceful part of Afghanistan for more than a decade after the U.S.-led military operation started in late 2001.The situation started to change in spring 2013, when hundreds of Taliban militants fought a weeklong battle with government forces in the Qaysar district of Faryab Province.A small number of militants from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) had already started arriving in northwestern Afghanistan to help train local Taliban fighters, including teaching them how to make improvised explosive devices. Moreover, Turkmenistan has a sea border that goes across the Caspian Sea. Pakistan's military operation in North Waziristan in summer 2014 pushed a large group of IMU fighters and their families (hundreds of them at least) into Afghanistan with many making their way to the northwestern provinces bordering Turkmenistan. The border runs from the Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Afghanistan tripoint to the tripoint connecting the two countries to Turkmenistan. Khan said he told Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov that "weapons [sent] to Herat are supplied from Turkmenistan." Turkmenistan’s border runs along the … Therefore, at the beneficiaries’ request, BOMNAF included upgrade of BCP Aqina into its construction priority list and initiated construction works in late 2016. The killing of Turkmen troops by militants from Afghanistan raises questions about how much respect fighters in northwest Afghanistan now have for Turkmenistan's neutrality.The Turkmen government is at least hedging its bets. Eight policemen were also wounded when both sides opened fire on them. )During that late September offensive, the Taliban also briefly captured two central districts in Badakhshan -- Wardoj and Baharak. The IMU sheltered with the Taliban in Pakistan's tribal areas in the first years after the U.S.-led operation started in late 2001.IMU fighters have been trickling back in northeastern Afghanistan to link up with Taliban units for more than a decade, and several times during this period conflicts with Pakistani tribesmen or Pakistani military operations pushed groups of IMU fighters back into Afghanistan.
After all, Tajikistan hosts a Russian military base and together with the Russian military Tajik authorities have established three layers of defense in the Afghan border region.But the presence of Jundallah, a militant group commanded by ethnic Tajiks, including some from Tajikistan, is something to worry about, especially as the Tajik government cannot claim to enjoy much popularity among its people.A reported IS presence in the northeast is also causing unease, not only in Dushanbe but in Moscow as well, and that has raised questions in Afghanistan about possible connections the Russian and Tajik governments might have with the Taliban.At the end of 2015, Tajikistan's independent Asia-Plus news agency reported that Russian officials met that summer with Taliban representatives at the Kulob military base, where Russia's 201st Division was stationed at the time.
Turkmenistan Border Crossings.
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