AFC Baldwin County Forestry Specialist Jason Barrett took a moment to capture this intense scene while fighting the Deakle Road Fire in Mobile. Alabama Forestry Commission firefighters responded to a wildfire in Macon County on Monday night. This wildfire is the largest that the AFC has seen in many years at 1,090 acres in size. Alabama Summary: The Alabama Forestry Commission advises that campers and travelers within Alabama should buy and use locally harvested firewood to prevent the spread of pests within the state, and out of state visitors should leave their firewood at home when visiting Alabama. More specifically, high risk counties are expected to have no more than six to nine SPB spots. “We ask citizens to wait until we receive sufficient rain before doing any burning. Video courtesy of AFC Walker County Forestry Specialist Jason Berry. Also in attendance were AFC Work Unit Manager Jeremy Lowery and Pike County Forest Ranger Casey Petty. This wildfire is the largest that the AFC has seen in many years at 1,090 acres in size.
Since the first of October, AFC wildland firefighters have already responded to 173 wildfires burning approximately 1,835 acres across Alabama. If you are unable to complete the application online Download our most recent Brochure here We also offer Prescribed Burn Coverage click here for application and more information. The Fire Alert will remain in effect until rescinded by the State Forester, at which time conditions will have changed sufficiently to reduce the occurrence and frequency of wildfires. Congratulations Butler County! We will notify you when anything happens in Montgomery. The goal of the prescribed burn was to begin the restoration process so the soil would be suitable for longleaf pine seed germination and herbaceous plant growth. Prescribed burning on a two-year rotation will maintain the stands in a manner beneficial to tortoises and longleaf pine production. As the state agency charged with the responsibility of protecting and promoting Alabama's vast forests, we provide leadership and guidance to ensure that the state’s forest resources are properly managed and protected, not only for our needs but also for future generations.The mission of the Alabama Forestry Commission is to protect and sustain Alabama’s forest resources using professionally applied stewardship principals and education, ensuring that the state’s forests contribute to abundant timber and wildlife, clean air and water, and a healthy economy. AFC crews were assisted by 17 local fire departments, Gulf State Park personnel, and two local police departments. Removal of the yaupon and gallberry understory will improve habitat restoration efforts for gopher tortoises as well as enhance the natural regeneration of longleaf pine. This funding is appropriated by the Alabama Legislature and divided equally among the state’s VFDs each year in support and appreciation of the hard work and dedication of these firefighters in serving Alabama citizens. #ForestToFaucet #KeepingForests
The Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) presents our Smokey Bear's 75th birthday challenge! County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. The Alabama Forestry Commission continues to strengthen its relationship with communities across the state through collaborative efforts such as this purchase.
64 N Union Street, 300 Folsom Administrative Building Although one home was threatened, the fire was controlled at 6.3 acres by AFC Work Unit Manager Matt McCollough and Forestry Specialist Gary Braxton with no injury or loss of property. The Alabama Forestry Commission is the state agency
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