endobj This mitzvah is so central to Judaism that it is even mentioned in ... Tzitzit-and-Tallit.pdf 쩛���۪��Ǿ��w�V��B��6J���p� �VU��K����{?�ێu�@����9Y��T3�� ���G �+!+@s7H��������US���iA���B*�u��U���?w��ׯ�����O��(ƢD�Ih �V�P8裌20IY��[d�W�b��w��s����W��濏���\�Rn� stream endobj Being that the Yemenites were only tying with white all these years that tekhelet wasn’t available, they were unable to preserve a tradition for these “special case” chulyot. 1 0 obj A list of many tzitzit styles, all of which have historic record. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> <> Instructions to Tie Your Own Tzitzit: The Torah requires Tzitzis to be placed on any four-cornered garment worn by a man during the day. 1 0 obj Tztizit strings must be tied according to specific instructions, the strings must be made in a certain way, and they must be tied in a certain way. %���� endobj �TmS�n������W�7ߔ�~s(������ But I … I choose to tie them this way sort of like I wear a belt buckle with a San Diego Chargers football team emblem on it. See more ideas about Torah, Tallit, Hebrew roots. <>>> �9�����G��x��ׯ� �F�͒�P��o��M1w�h.�=cS�=�Oi]�m�Ի�{�o The Tzitzit - A List of Many Tying Styles - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Tzitzit - A List of Many Tying Styles - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 4 0 obj ��T� M�m~B?ߗ s���=���������X���|(��竏��#>E/���$���rn٪��S)�����Drp�w����b����f���B�J�PȮ���R�����T*�}6�����7��� ���Ϥ�c�������B�w���o��B���S�v ���V��Rv��m>�j�T,�� ���V ��d�ՈA�H0>�A��g�N1��|*�iO����O�jxD5�&�=�کک�4F�c8m�R֕��~�g���[f`Mo�[ ��mg��2�K��g�6�|������;���w1�6@[aۧ�XR��J�41g���V����q�{�V�����(ʾ�L(� (*�f�C������m q��ڍ�S�3��8����y}\Y���^J9�� I currently tie white tzitzit using the “7,8,11,13” method, how should I tie Tekhelet? /��s��8Rɦ͍��:l����'�H��H&����:�W��Q����R�^�� ���`����Đ���*���8߭�a�N���J~��1�]��fm>�M�96��n�(���Vz��t��g蟰)N��f=�c/p,{@c _D%��Q�'��q~3��{��Kv����h�#G7�]�nQ'ƻ�AH����`U! <> The Tzitzit Introduction. %PDF-1.5 <> endobj endobj Jul 13, 2020 - Explore Susan Hutter's board "Tzitzit" on Pinterest. %���� commandment to tie tassels, known as tzitzit, to the corners of a four cornered garment we wear. <>>> 2 0 obj As such, one of the people who used to tie tzitzit for Ptil Tekhelet, Noam Kaplan, developed a …
<> 2 0 obj There are many different ways to tie white only strings, and they are all essentially based on the fact that Tekhelet was lost. One of the 613 commandments is to tie a tzitzit on each of the corners of a four-cornered garment. x��[mo㺱������]ĊH���������m�\���k5��Z��_煤H�r�Xd�H�pH�A�����OR���A�b�řx�}��o��_>�c��춘/�٭��C| ��,��S%aR%A2�c&&Fa�� �, ��i��|Q̖����S�A��>r�aFA�^�E�F�Ӱŕ����2��cj��9����oO�vb�۾ow��[�qP�"ʃ��Ƽ��1er��Ọ������at_���f|&��g~��G��OΏ��B�g���D��$�0b19��Y�}�p�8����y���A�b�KR�1���������ſ��9K�w�IO��ɠ���#�,��߶�:z�AV�����̷�����y1�ώs)g[px���\��Z!�� ��~���l�X� �n��"���A�`����͟���U.2 '_��N 4 0 obj 3 0 obj
"� ܓm ,�(/�Ș&����P�.�����G�����K%������z S8ր> Tying your own Tzitzit in one of the Jewish styles According to the Scriptures, there is no ‘right’ way to tie tzitzit or tassels. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R 12 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> stream x��]Y��Ƶ~`�1/��Z�A�k'1d�� �3�=j�OKm�ڝ�_�R��*��/pa@VS�aթ�|g�e�/�Y���_���o�X��C���*�|����l�A�n^�E ����U-u�M%�����WuU�,�J I ‘root’ for my ‘team’ by wearing a Jewish style. A list of many tzitzit styles, all of which have historic record. 3 0 obj Tzitzit (Hebrew: צִיצִית, Modern: tsitsit, Tiberian: ṣiṣiṯ; plural tsitsiyot) are specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans.
endobj The way one ties Tekhelet has really nothing to do with the way one ties white.
Tzitzit are usually attached to the four corners of the tallit gadol, (prayer shawl) usually referred to simply as a tallit or tallis; and tallit katan (everyday undergarment). %PDF-1.5
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