The most recent global average price we have for Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port 2003 is $58 USD (June 2020) Very good/excellent 91/100. Showing 1 of 2 results for the location you've chosen. It may take up to two years after harvest for a vintage declaration to be made, and even when one Port shipper judges the conditions sufficient for Vintage Port, other shippers may not necessarily agree. 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port Quinta de la Rosa Quinta de la Rosa Tonel No.12 10 Year Old Tawny PortQuinta de la Rosa 'Tim' Grande Reserva Branco, Douro Showing 1 of 3 results. It may take up to two years after harvest for a vintage declaration to be made, and even when one Port shipper judges the conditions sufficient for Vintage Port, other shippers may not necessarily agree.
Germany: Baden-Wurttemberg. Wine-Searcher's historical data and benchmark analysis provides trustworthy and valuable insights into likely market trends.
Search results prioritize sponsor merchants. Wine-Searcher's historical data and benchmark analysis provides trustworthy and valuable insights into likely market trends. Upgrade to PRO to view all. The most recent global average price we have for Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port 2003 is $55 USD (May 2020) 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port [I7440310] Bottle (750ml) $ 31.00. ex. 4 Scores. This scenario is highly unusual, though, and has only occurred a handful of times in history. Because Portugal's wine industry has adopted regulation and legally enforced controls in the past few decades, tradition still has a strong influence on how wines are made and vineyards are managed. Quinta de la Rosa 2003 Ripe, smooth, sweet and concentrated. 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port, Portugal Very good/excellent 93/100 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port, Portugal Find and price wines, beers and spirits across online stores
A little simple, but nicely structured. Wine-Searcher is not responsible for omissions and inaccuracies. Wine-Searcher is not responsible for omissions and inaccuracies.
This scenario is highly unusual, though, and has only occurred a handful of times in history.
The spicy/herby character of this wine is very appealing. Find and price wines, beers and spirits across online stores 2003 Quinta de la Rosa, Vintage Port : Bottle (750ml) $ 52.31. inc. 20% sales tax Go to Shop Weinlade. Tradition, here, means co-planted varieties...A Vintage is "declared" in only the best years, when both the quality and quantity of the available fruit align. sales tax Go to Shop Auction. Tradition, here, means co-planted varieties...A Vintage is "declared" in only the best years, when both the quality and quantity of the available fruit align.
Check with the merchant for stock availability. Search results prioritize sponsor merchants. Check with the merchant for stock availability.
Quinta de la Rosa Late Bottled Vintage Port 2003 was last available in January 2019, with an average price of $18 USD or Be notified when this product is available. Price Range of 750ml bottle, ex-tax in USD
Average of 90.4 points in 7 community wine reviews on 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Porto Vintage, plus professional notes, label images, wine details, and recommendations on when to drink.
Nice and quite winey. Because Portugal's wine industry has adopted regulation and legally enforced controls in the past few decades, tradition still has a strong influence on how wines are made and vineyards are managed. Showing 1 of 2 results for the location you've chosen. Critic Reviews 90 100. Aggregated Critic Score. Quinta do Crasto 2003 Intense, spicy, open herby nose leads to a complex, rich, herby palate. 2003 Quinta de la Rosa Vintage Port Quinta de la Rosa Quinta de la Rosa Tonel No.12 10 Year Old Tawny PortQuinta de la Rosa 'Tim' Grande Reserva Branco, Douro Search results prioritize sponsor merchants.
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