In addition, an activity area adjacent to the main house, similarly to Channel Ten's Technical changes were also evident in this house. Early in Day 19, Shane went to the diary room because he couldn't sleep due to thoughts about the previous eviction.
Casey apologizes to Daniel for what she did. Angela says he is insecure and that he wants them on his side because they are strong together. Sarah offers to talk to people and convince them not to vote for Shane. Her advantage is that she can veto herself or one of her fellow housemates from an eviction.
If they grabbed a pink piece of confetti they would get a reward. However on May 3, 2020, it was reveled that the housemates would compete for $250,000.Sonia Kruger's Big Brother House Tour Big Brother AustraliaThe original house was burnt down entirely prior to the official announcements regarding the production of the season. Before he leaves, he announces that he was in the Bunker.
Angela nominates Danni, Zoe and Garth. In the backyard is a glass box, dubbed "Big Brother's Power Booth". Her immediate reaction nearly caused her to press the red button in the middle of the room by accident. The housemates received their groceries with Angela finally having tea. Big Brother also made a pun at the end of his monologue, saying that everything is going to be "all white" (alright). Because of this, Big Brother periodically offered temptations to the housemates in the diary room, such as a visit from a beloved pet or gaining a second vote at the eviction. Daniel is in the kitchen and says he would like to use the bathroom, but can't in front of other people. Sophie and Chad talk it over, and is faced with the dilemma of either stick to his morals or something that will make him win. Angela is pleased that Daniel is up for eviction, and tries to rally troops to vote for him. Casey is persuaded to evict Hannah, however she wanted to evict Sophie. He says that the girls take up to 5 hours every day doing their makeup, which means the boys don't get any time in there. All housemates have been given some information over the time that they have been in the house. On the large screen, Big Brother had asked the evicted housemates to send video messages in for the final four in the house. Sarah immediately recognized Hannah from the audition process and had a negative opinion of her. Chad has similar feelings, and would protect Sophie.
Mat says he is a loyal man, and being betrayed has made him lose confidence in Garth. Big Brother gave the new housemates a secret mission to find the second bedroom, and place their personal belongings there without being detected until the morning, passing the task would reward the housemates with a Talia grew weary of the new housemates' optimism to the game which Garth picked up on. Meanwhile, Britney is presented with yet another Pandora's Box.
Casey is determined to get the power couple (Chad and Sophie) out of the house after they were responsible for Xavier's eviction the night before.
Chad grabbed a blue piece of confetti and was allowed to ask one housemate to grab their belongings and give them to Big Brother for the day. Sarah and Zoe won the challenge. The housemates when she leaves the diary room keep hassling her to tell them her advantage.
Mat wants to take down his group, consisting of Chad, Sophie, Hannah and Sarah. Later, Angela and Marissa are in the bathroom discussing Sophie's outburst, when Mat comes to talk to them. At the eviction Kieran was evicted in a 3-0 vote.
Usually Mat and Daniel would be determined to get rid of Kieran, however Daniel realizes Kieran would be the perfect number to use to evict either Sophie or Chad. Zoe decides not to order black tea for Angela, who is not happy with the decision. Few modifications have been made to fit in with the theme of the series.
Sarah is the first with an empty container, eliminating her from the next part of the nomination challenge and would be up for eviction. At the eviction, Zoe says she wants to stay because she wants to show people how fun she is.
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