Hawaii is the only US state composed entirely of islands.
Hawaii is the southernmost U.S. state and the only state made up of islands. Colorado, also known as the “Centennial State” was the 38th state to join the United States of America.
The tourist business is Hawaii's largest source of outside income. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! Ten Geographic Facts About Hawaii . Originally colonized by the French during the 18th century, it became U.S. territory as part of the historic Louisiana The first Spanish missionaries arrived in California in the 1700s, but California didn’t become a U.S. territory until 1847, as part of the treaty ending the Mexican-American War.
He's a professional blogger & researcher with over 11 years’ experience in fact finding, SEO & web design. Being the 3rd smallest of all states you would think there’s not much to know about Connecticut, but the state is steeped in history. Barry finds out that Hawaii was the last state admitted to the Union and is full of tons of cool species of animals. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.Aloha, today we’ve got twenty interesting & surprising facts about Hawaii – one of the more beautiful locations in the world.So sit back, relax, and check out these interesting facts you probably don’t know!Hawaii’s Big Island, which is the common term used for the state of Hawaii, is growing by more than 42 acres each year because of the Kilauea Volcano.This volcano has been erupting for around 30 years now, which is impressive in and of itself.Mauna Loa, is one of the biggest volcanoes in the entire world.It is also located on the Big Island and its lava fields were once a training site for astronauts before they went to the moon.Another interesting fact is that it can take as long as five years for just one vanilla bean to be grown completely.Hawaii’s highest and lowest recorded temperatures have both occurred on the Big Island, which isn’t very surprising because of this island’s diverse landscape.The highest recorded temperature on the Big Island was 100 degrees Fahrenheit and occurred on April 27, 1931 in the town of Pahala.The lowest recorded temperature occurred on May 17, 1979 close to the Mauna Kea’s summit, and it was recorded at 12 degrees Fahrenheit.The state of Hawaii has lost more species and has more endangered species than any other state in the U.S.Around 70% of this state’s native birds are extinct and the rest are listed as being in danger of becoming extinct.A lei flower is often used in celebrations and there are certain rules that are associated with it, starting with the fact that it is considered rude to refuse one or remove it in front of the person who gave it to you.A lei should not be thrown away but returned to the land, preferably where the flowers were first gathered.This is a tradition that dates back to Hawaii for many years and its rules are still taken quite seriously by many of the natives.Even if you were born and raised in Hawaii, you are not considered to be a true Hawaiian unless you have ancestry in your family.People who do not come from Hawaiian ancestry, even if they were born and raised in the state, refer to themselves as locals.This huge maze stretches over 3 acres & contains a mystery in the center along with eight secret stations for those who want to find it.There are only 7,400 people who live on the island of Molokai, which used to be a leper colony.And even fewer people on Lanai, which is the smallest inhabited island open to visitors in Hawaii.In July 2015, Oahu- the most populated Hawaiian island, joined the other Hawaiian islands and banned plastic bags from their stores.This made it the first state to fully ban the use of plastic bags.Over the years there have been a number of popular movies filmed in Hawaii, even if they are not set there.Many of these filming locations can be seen at the Kualoa Ranch.The world famous Hawaiian macadamia nut is not actually native to Hawaii, but was first imported from Australia as decorative vegetation back in the 1880’s.This nut didn’t make it to Hawaii until the 1920’s, when it became a harvest crop for this state.Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that is made up entirely of islands.This state consists of 132 different islands, including eight main island (Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau and Kahoolawe), as well as 124 islets, reefs and shoals.Spanning 1,523 miles from Ni’ihau island to the Big Island, Hawaii is the widest state in the U.S., just behind Hawaii is one of four states in the U.S. that has banned the use of billboards for advertising.That’s not the only weird thing about Kauai, there are no cities, no free-ways, chain restaurants, skyscrapers or towers and very few mainstream stores.Also the maximum speed limit on the entire island is only 50 mph!This picturesque state has its own time zone, referred to as Hawaiian Standard Time, and it is one of two states that doesn’t follow Daylight Saving Time.It might be an obvious fact, however Hawaii also has a saying – if you’ve ever heard of the phrase “Hawaiian time”, you’re not alone…Due to the relaxed environment and hot weather, there’s generally less of a rush to get to where you need to be.So the phrase ‘Hawaiian Time’ generally refers to arriving later than expected for an occasion or meeting.Back in 2004, police departments received numerous calls about a “horrible plane crash” at Mokule’ia beach.It technically was a plane crash, but in fact it was Oceanic Flight 815 – a part of the set for the popular TV show The wreckage was simply part of the set for the filming of the pilot!Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. to honor a monarch; they celebrate King Kamehameha Day, which takes place on 11This particular monarch is known for uniting the Hawaiian Islands in 1810.The word ‘Hawaii’ comes from the Proto-Polynesian “hawaiki”, which means “Place of the Gods” or “Homeland”.Mahalo for reading!
Subaru Telescope, Mauna Kea Observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii.Overview of Hawaii's land and wildlife, with a discussion of Mauna Kea Observatory.Eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, 1983.The state bird of Hawaii is the nene, or Hawaiian goose.
Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, who led the first European expedition to Florida in 1513, named the state in tribute to Spain’s The Dutch first settled along the Hudson River in 1624; two years later they established the colony of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island. Video. Cane sugar, pineapple, and flowers and nursery products are their chief products. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Hawaii is economically vigorous, with diversified agriculture and manufacturing. Fast Facts Nickname: The Aloha State Statehood: 1959; 50th state Population (as of July 2015): 1,431,603 Capital: Honolulu Biggest City: Honolulu Abbreviation: HI State bird: nene, the Hawaiian goose State flower: yellow hibiscus
Hawaii is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.
Hawaii (Hawaiian: Hawai‘i) is a group of volcanic islands in the central Pacific Ocean.
In his spare time he loves to travel and drink coffee. Hawaii (Hawaiian: Hawai‘i) is a group of volcanic islands in the central Pacific Ocean. It became the 50th U.S. state on August 21, 1959. If you’ve got any more facts you’d love to share, please leave them in a comment below, we’d love to hear them.Did you know that Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee commercially?
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