Suzlon Energy completes debt restructuring as promoters satisfy capital infusion condition - 01 Jul 2020 SUZLON ENERGY Surges by 10%; BSE OIL & GAS Index Up 1.0% - 09 Jun 2020 BSE Announcements from Suzlon Energy Ltd. (Rs. It was incorporated in year 1995. Suzlon Energy Ltd is a leader in wind energy in India.The company is a pioneer in providing end-to-end wind power solutions for increasing demand for wind energy over the world.They offer turbines in customized versions for installation in accordance to climate ranging from hot, dry deserts to humid coasts, to near-freezing plains. Cr) If it can come down from 450 to can go up fixed rules...anything can happen in stock marketNever buy, it will never reach even 10 in next one yeardont buy this ever, operators will run away with your moenySuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,960, Deal Price: 4.10, Value (cr): 0.21, Time: 09:26amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,960, Deal Price: 4.10, Value (cr): 0.21, Time: 09:26amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,960, Deal Price: 4.10, Value (cr): 0.21, Time: 09:26amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,960, Deal Price: 4.10, Value (cr): 0.21, Time: 09:26amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,960, Deal Price: 4.10, Value (cr): 0.21, Time: 09:26amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 500,004, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.22, Time: 09:22amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy Block Deal on NSE, Qty: 670,343, Deal Price: 4.45, Value (cr): 0.30, Time: 09:20amSuzlon Energy closes below 50-Day Moving Average of 4.46 today.The company has a good dividend track report and has consistently declared dividends for the last 5 years.
The company's website claims to have over 17,000 MW of wind energy capacity installed globally, with operations across 18 countries and a workforce of over 8,000.
'''Suzlon'', 5,' Shrimali Society,,Near Shri Krishna Complex,Plot no. Cr) Interest Suzlon Energy Ltd. is a wind turbine supplier based in Pune, India. {"tradedDate":"12AUG2020","data":[{"pricebandupper":"4.50","symbol":"SUZLON","applicableMargin":"80.00","bcEndDate":"20-SEP-19","totalSellQuantity":"1,26,98,055","adhocMargin":"43.82","companyName":"Suzlon Energy Limited","marketType":"N","exDate":"12-SEP-19","bcStartDate":"14-SEP-19","css_status_desc":"Listed","dayHigh":"4.30","basePrice":"4.30","securityVar":"32.68","pricebandlower":"4.10","sellQuantity5":"4,75,208","sellQuantity4":"2,27,128","sellQuantity3":"3,50,423","cm_adj_high_dt":"06-JUL-20","sellQuantity2":"6,42,757","dayLow":"4.10","sellQuantity1":"56,70,113","quantityTraded":"1,38,33,507","pChange":"-4.65","totalTradedValue":"580.16","deliveryToTradedQuantity":"77.29","totalBuyQuantity":"-","averagePrice":"4.12","indexVar":"-","cm_ffm":"1,525.74","purpose":"ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING","buyPrice2":"-","secDate":"12-Aug-2020 13:00:00","buyPrice1":"-","high52":"6.05","previousClose":"4.30","ndEndDate":"-","low52":"1.70","buyPrice4":"-","buyPrice3":"-","recordDate":"-","deliveryQuantity":"1,06,91,228","buyPrice5":"-","priceBand":"5","extremeLossMargin":"3.50","cm_adj_low_dt":"26-MAR-20","varMargin":"32.68","sellPrice1":"4.10","sellPrice2":"4.15","totalTradedVolume":"1,40,81,640","sellPrice3":"4.20","sellPrice4":"4.25","sellPrice5":"4.30","change":"-0.20","surv_indicator":"-","ndStartDate":"-","buyQuantity4":"-","isExDateFlag":false,"buyQuantity3":"-","buyQuantity2":"-","buyQuantity1":"-","series":"EQ","faceValue":"2.00","buyQuantity5":"-","closePrice":"0.00","open":"4.30","isinCode":"INE040H01021","lastPrice":"4.10"}],"optLink":"","otherSeries":["EQ"],"futLink":"","lastUpdateTime":"12-AUG-2020 13:23:46"} Net Profit Reproduction of news articles, photos, videos or any other content in whole or in part in any form
(Rs. Note: Close price will be updated after 18.15 hrs on account of joint press release dated February 09, 2018 (joint press release) On Ex-Date, the % change is calculated with respect to Adjusted price (adjustment with respect to Corporate Actions such as Dividend, Bonus, Rights & Face Value Split)
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