Lawyers will file any necessary appeals and will also work to prepare you for questioning should your case advance to the hearing level. The first step is proving that your medical condition is severe enough to satisfy the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA guidelines indicate that an attorney will receive 25 percent of your backpay, but the pay is capped at $6,000. This means you have had to pay enough taxes in to the SSA programs during the specified time period as well. Impairment listing 1.04 A states an individual’s degenerative disc disease must result in compromise of a nerve root, including the cauda equina or spinal cord. Social Security employs a 5-step sequential evaluation process to determine if you qualify for disability benefits under the SSDI and/or SSI programs. If you or a loved one have Degenerative Disc Disease and are considering a claim for disability benefits, we recommend you read our articles about the process of applying for SSDI and the way the Social Security Administration uses their Sequential Evaluation Process to determine disability.. People with Degenerative Disc Disease can be limited to using a cane, walker, or even a wheelchair. If your back pain is so severe you have to adjust your position every hour, that also has to be noted on the form and it will help with your claim. The physical therapy itself can run into thousands of dollars. The grid consists of the following criteria:If you are over 50, your chances of being approved for disability benefits increase, even if the grid does not find you disabled. Social Security analyzes disabilities due to Degenerative Disc Disease under LISTING 1.04. An individual filing for Social Security Disability or apply for SSI on the basis of Degenerative Disc Disease can be evaluated according to the criteria of impairment listing 1.04, Disorders of the Spine. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Be sure to provide a detailed treatment history, results from your last physical exam, documentation by your physician of pain in your arms and legs, details about any mobility issues caused by the degenerative disc disease, notes that detail any signs of radiculopathy, which is tingling and pain when your arms are moved or when you turn your head. The grid consists of the following criteria: 1.
How exactly does Social Security evaluate a disability claim based on degenerative disc disease? Without the cushioning effect of the discs between the vertebrae, and sometimes in conjunction with deterioration from The Social Security Administration (SSA) gets many applications for disability based on degenerative disc disease, and most of them get denied, unless other physical or mental problems are alleged as well. Degenerative disc disease is a naturally occurring condition that affects the discs in your spine, usually in your neck and back. Educational background 3. The Social Security Administration (SSA) gets many applications for disability based on degenerative disc disease, and most of them get denied, unless other physical or mental problems are alleged as well.
While many treatments for the problem are covered by health insurance, there are treatment options that may not be covered by all plans. Because back pain is a common complaint and is often not debilitating, qualifying for Social Security Disability Income under degenerative disc disease … Neither this site nor any lawyer or advocate associated with it is affiliated in any way with or endorsed by the Social Security Disability for Degenerative Disc DiseaseIs applicant currently receiving Social Security benefits?Does applicant expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?Does applicant have an attorney helping them with this case? This article is presented for general information purposes only. This aspect also considers your work experience, your work related skills, your age, your educational level and your ability to transition into another role or another position. If there are still any questions about the severity of your condition and if it impacts your ability to work, the SSA can order a medical evaluation at their expense for informational purposes only. Sometimes degenerative disc disorder causes further back problems that the SSA does recognize in the Blue Book. If your doctor indicates you can’t lift more than 20 pounds and it can only be done on occasion that has to be indicated and that will impact the decision. The problem with a degenerative disc disorder claim is that only the person who is suffering the pain knows the severity of it. This is because there are fewer entry level positions offered to older workers and adjusting to a different type of employment after so many years in the same field is more challenging the older you get.Degenerative disc disease can cause both severe and chronic pain that prevents you from holding the same position for long. If you are older than 50, your chances of having your claim approved do improve somewhat. For more information on the SSA's requirements for back claims in general, see Nolo's article on Degenerative disc disease does sometimes result in further back problems that If your degenerative disc disease has reduced your functional capacity—that is, your capacity to work—you might be able to qualify for disability benefits under what’s called a “medical-vocational allowance.” The SSA is required to evaluate your doctor’s notes on your functional limitations and restrictions, as well as your reports of pain, to determine if your disc problems limit you to medium or light work (this rating is called your residual functional capacity, or RFC). It can eventually be sent before an administrative law judge for a final ruling, but approval can occur at one of many different levels. Degenerative disc disease by itself is not recognized as a listed disability by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Instead, your attorney will not be paid until you win your claim and receive backpay. If your doctor has limited you to lifting 50 pounds or less occasionally, you'll receive a medium RFC. For example, if you have osteoarthritis, herniated nucleus pulposus (ruptured disc), spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, facet arthritis, spinal arachnoiditis, or vertebral fracture, this listing will be used to make your medical determination for Social Security Disability.
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