Bengal’s own virtuoso: Michael Madhusudan of the Duttas Michael Madhusudan Dutt or Michael Madhusudan Dutta was a popular 19th century Bengali poet and dramatist. He was named Madhusudan, the divine epithet of Lord Krishna.As Krishna’s lyre harmonised tunes that moved the immovable and performed the impossible, Madhusudan’s tapering quill spurted out immortal ink on the paper, through which flew out words that possessed the ability to locomote one to the imperishable world of creativity and on a perdurable romance with letters.As for his denomination, Madhusudan was one of a multifarious personality, having mastered himself as a polyglot, an exceptional dramatist, poet and one of the earliest writers of Bengali literature, whose works and their contents are incomparable to anything that exists till day.In the words of Ketaki Kushari Dyson, “Michael’s exceptionally colourful personality and his unconventional, dramatic, and in many ways tragic life have added to the magnetism and glamour of his name. Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, impressed by the personal charisma of the playwright and his indomitable talent, highlighted through his works, quoted, “Ordinarily, reading of poetry causes a soporific effect, but the intoxicating vigour of Madhusudan’s poems makes even a sick man sit up on his bed.”Madhusudan is literally one of the greatest innovative geniuses of all times.
Michael Madhusudan Dutt or Michael Madhusudan Dutta was a popular 19th century Bengali poet and dramatist. His father was Rajnarayan Dutt, an eminent lawyer, and his mother was Jahnabi Devi.
A polyglot, he could effortlessly and superbly switch between English and Bengali.
His father, Rajnarayan Dutta, was a law practitioner in Kolkata. In the village of Sagardari, along the gurgling waters of the Kopotakkho, a child was born to change the face of literature, a child who would go on to disregard conventional traditions and transmogrify himself into a resplendent legend. Generous in friendship, romantic and passionate by temperament, he was also fond of the good life, financially irresponsible, and an incorrigible spendthrift.”Michael’s exclusion from the stereotypical writer community laid in the fact that he analysed every incident from a different perspective, a point of view none had earlier approached.For an instance, in his widely celebrated and critically acclaimed Meghnadbadh Kavya, Madhusudan characterises Indrajit as the central protagonist, presenting him with virtues that are heralded by a “patriot, a loving husband, a caring son and a friend to his countrymen”, rather than those possessed by a wicked Asura prince or the successor of a demon king.In the words of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, the epic poem is a “rare treasure in Bengali literature”, further adding that “through his writings, the richness of Bengali literature has been proclaimed to the wide world.” Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, one of the foremost pioneers of Bengali literature and a social reformer, lauds Madhusudan, appraising his work as “a supreme poem.”In his days, Dutt was the first litterateur to have effectuated the metrical but non rhythmic Blank verse poetry, popularly called the Amritakshar Chhanda, marking its introduction to Bengali literary works.
Michael Madhusudan Dutt, or Michael Madhusudan Dutta, (25 January 1824 – 29 June 1873) was Bengali poet and dramatist.He was the first great poet of modern Bengali literature.
Michael Madhusudan Dutta - Michael Madhusudan Dutta Poems - Poem Hunter© Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge...Michael madhu Sudan dutta was a God gifted TallenTed poetMichael Madhusudan Dutta was a God gifted tallented Poet. Abhishek Bengali poem by Michael Madhusudan Dutta/Class 10 bangla kobita অভিষেক। Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will … After having toured extensively across the European Continent, he came to know of sonnets that had been developed during the final years of the Holy Roman Empire and had gained a great deal of popularity among the Europeans, that included the French, the Tuscans, the Italians who were themselves its progenitor and of course, the English. Two stanzas comprising fourteen lines of poetry, each line having been bestowed with intricately crafted words, is an example of the finest display of such, in the Bengali poetic genre.Dutt also wrote poems based on romance and sorrow, both of the niches having a woman’s perspective in them.Not having been acclaimed the way he should have, Dutt died a penniless poet, reciting passages from Macbeth, that expressed his “deepest conviction of life.”Largely unrecognised for almost another decade since his demise, Madhusudan found his repute soon after, his works being highlighted throughout Bengal, as the greatest literary creations in the history of Bengali literature.His pilgrimatic tombstone, situated at the Lower Circular Road Cemetery in Kolkata, carries an elegy of his own, one that reads:As a child takes repose on his mother’s elysian lap,Writer is a Fellow at the Royal Asiatic Society of London He was born in Sagordari, on the bank of Kopotaksho River, a village in Keshobpur Upozila, Jessore District, East Bengal (now in Bangladesh). Michael Madhusudan Dutta was an exceptionally gifted writer.
Michael Madhusudan Dutt or Michael Madhusudan Dutta was a popular 19th century Bengali poet and dramatist. He was the only son of a well-to-do Kayastha Family. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Hindi language.
He also wrote poems about the sorrows and afflictions of love as spoken by women.
The narrative takes us back to 1824, almost two centenaries from the present moment.
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