When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. PC Gamer is supported by its audience. Chris Metzen is a retired game designer, artist and writer known for his significant contributions to No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder.Michael Chu is ending a 20 year spell at the developerLinkedIn profile of Activision’s TV and film studio boss lists unannounced projectsCompany and Chinese partner NetEase awarded $579,000New maps and heroes will be playable by owners of original gameKaplan “has a feeling” sequel will be at next year’s BlizzConOriginal Overwatch players will be able to play new heroes and mapsUpdate: Diablo 4, Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft expansion Shadowlands announcedNew Diablo and Overwatch games reportedly set to be revealed at the convention Senior Vice President of Story & Franchise DevelopmentSenior Vice President, Story & Franchise DevelopmentSenior Vice President, Story & Franchise DevelopmentSenior Vice President, Story & Franchise DevelopmentSenior Vice President, Story & Franchise Development OperationsSenior Vice President, Story & Franchise Development On occasion, Metzen has published his art under the alias "Thundergod".
Home; News; Diablo; Interview: Blizzard's Chris Metzen, Pt. Christopher Vincent Metzen (born 1974)[1] is an American game designer, artist, voice actor and author known for his work creating the fictional universes and scripts for Blizzard Entertainment's three major award-winning media franchises: Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft. Zum Artikel: WoW Classic: Chris Metzen ist wieder da - als Paladin im MMORPG Christopher Vincent Metzen (born 1974) is an American game designer, artist, voice actor and author known for his work creating the fictional universes and scripts for Blizzard Entertainment's three major award-winning media franchises: Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft. 1:21. Christopher Vincent “Chris” Metzen (born November 22, 1973) is an American game designer, artist, voice actor and author known for his work creating the fictional universes and scripts for Blizzard Entertainment’s three major award-winning media franchises: Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft. Without Metzen games like Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, and Overwatch simply wouldn't be what they are today. Metzen was hired by Blizzard Entertainment as an animator and an artist; his first work for the company was with the video game Justice League Task Force. Chris Metzen is a retired game designer, artist and writer known for his significant contributions to Blizzard franchises Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and Overwatch.Metzen left Blizzard in 2018 after working at the company for more than two decades. Christopher Vincent „Chris“ Metzen (* 22.November 1973), auch bekannt als Thundergod, ist ein amerikanischer Spieleentwickler, Synchronsprecher, Künstler und Autor.. Er war bei Blizzard Entertainment Vice President of Creative Development und damit verantwortlich für die Hintergrundgeschichten der bekannten Computerspielreihen Warcraft, StarCraft und Diablo, bis er … Learn more. - Duration: 1:21. tisbufferzz 333,693 views. 2 [Blizzcon 2009] Chris Metzen - Voice actor in old blizz games ! Christopher Vincent Metzen (born November 22, 1973) a.k.a "Thundergod" is an American game designer, artist, voice actor, and author known for his work creating the fictional universes and scripts for Blizzard Entertainment 's three major award-winning media franchises: Warcraft, Diablo and StarCraft. The man played an indispensable role in molding the lore, the vision for massively enjoyed video game worlds, and he no doubt inspired so many of both the aspiring, and the established professionals of the video game industry today. Also: Cancelled Warcraft Adventure game leaked, Betrayal at House on the Hill expansion released soon, MTG and SJWs & More!
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